Welcome to all things STEM and Spanish!

What is STEM?

STEM is a combination of four educational areas of learning including Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. This means throughout the year we will be doing various types of activities that touch on each of these areas. 

STEM has a lot of hands-on learning for students. Students will be learning skills such as problem-solving, planning, designing, building, patience, creativity, and more. They will learn to think outside the box and have lots of fun along the way. 

How will STEM fit into the curriculum?

All of the lessons in STEM will follow along two sets of standards. The Technology portion of our class will follow the ISTE standards. The STEM portion will be following the Next Generation Science Standards. Most lessons taught in STEM will be an extension of the lessons taught in the students classrooms. Students will engage in activities that reinforce the concepts being taught in other content areas. 


Technology Standards: https://www.iste.org/standards/iste-standards-for-students

STEM Standards: https://www.nextgenscience.org/search-standards

Spanish at SKS 

This year I will be teaching students grades K-2 in introductory Spanish. We will be learning the basic skills and covering various topics. Students will become confident with counting, learning names for colors, seasons, days of the week, greetings, names of food and more! 

Join Me in STEM CLUB!

I am holding an after school STEM club for First- Third Grade students every other Thursday this winter and spring. Check out the poster to find out more!