My PBL Project


Ever since you joined the school, peers have played a significant role in your influence. They can be positive and supportive and help you grow and mature. But they can also negatively influence you and encourage you to do bad things like skipping class, fighting, stealing, drugs, alcohol abuse, etc. Most teens using drugs or alcohol can result from peer pressure, whether in person or on social media. Teens often give in to peer pressure because they want to fit in and do what seems to be trending or "cool." As we learn how to create a short film with an iPhone and iMovie, it will showcase the absurdity that there are still problems of peer pressure. 

Driving Question: How can we effectively use the elements of film to create a short story that emotionally engages the audience? 



Action Video:


Must make sure the area where the cast will act is clean or is well known where the props are to avoid tripping and slipping hazards. 

Essential Understanding

Overall, we learned how to use MacBook's iMovie. We found out how to clip and stitch video and audio together in a natural way that doesn't make it sound blocky to the viewers. 

First, for our product, we went to iMovie and created a new movie project. We opened the files of clips and audio that we downloaded and dragged them into "Media." We dragged the audio first into the timeline below and cut out the unnecessary parts to make it feel more free-flowing. After we finished the audio, we dragged the video clips on top and cut them to the same as the audio. Because we also had the audio playing in the background of the videos, I was able to line them up almost perfectly. Then we added free photos during the fighting scene. 

For the main video discussing our PBL, we also used iMovie to edit. It was a similar process, except we used pictures from a slideshow instead of video clips. We had to mess with the default settings to stop the photos from being zoomed in and out. We also added free music samples under the sped-up video of the editing process. We brought down the audio and the beginning and end to make it unsudden for the listeners. 

Further Applications

In modern times, films and movies play a crucial part in society and culture. It is used to express emotions or current/past events. They are outlets to the imagination and can be used to entertain or inform.  Our cultures can be viewed in these films as they are a reflection of the media around us: what is popular, accepted, or vice versa. Breaking down the process of filmmaking allows others interested in this topic to find their own venture into their future career as they learn how to express their thoughts and feelings in their movies in their own way, from editing style to the topics they choose to film about.