

2023-2024: Lecture in Contemporary Economic and Social Issues (Undergraduate) - University of Luxembourg

2022-2023: Lecture in Intergenerational Equity (Master 2) - University of Luxembourg

2018-2019: Tutorials in Optimal Growth (Master 1), Microeconomics (Undergraduate), Growth Theory (Undergraduate), Macroeconomics (Undergraduate) - Paris 10

2017-2018: Tutorials in Public Economics (Undergraduate), Microeconomics (Undergraduate) and Open Macroeconomics (Undergraduate) - Paris 10

2015-2017: Tutorials in Macroeconomics (Undergraduate) -  Paris 10


2023-2024: [in French] CM Problèmes économiques et sociaux contemporains (L1) - 30h

Link to Exam  /  Correction

2022-2023: Elective lecture in Intergenerational Equity (M2) -15h

Link to  Syllabus  /  Chapter 1  /  Chapter 2  /  Chapter 3



2016-2017: [in French] TD Grandes fonctions macroéconomiques (L1) - cours de Dramane Coulibaly

2015-2016: [in French] TD Grandes fonctions macroéconomiques (L1) - cours d'Alain Ayong Le Kama

Total: 45h of lecture and 496h of tutorials