
Journal articles

Inequality Aversion for Climate Policy, S. Del Campo, D. Anthoff, and U. Kornek (in press), Review of Environmental Economics and Policy

Link to the article: / Link to to the Supplemantary Material

Intragenerational inequality aversion and intergenerational equity, V. Martinet, S. Del Campo, and R. D. Cairns (2022), European Economic Review, vol. 144, 104075

Link to the article: // Links to the WP: CESifo, FAERE

Sustainability of an economy relying on two reproducible assets, R. D. Cairns, S. Del Campo, and V. Martinet (2019), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, vol. 101, pp. 145-160

Link to the article: // Links to the WP: Inra, EconomiX, CESifo, FAERE


New estimates of the social cost of carbon better accounting for inequalities (2022), with Ulrike Kornek

Policy Brief

Distributional effects and acceptability of carbon taxes in the European Union (2021), with CHIPS project partners

Work in Progress

The role of international transfers in carbon taxation

Distributional considerations during growth toward the golden rule

Link: last version

Transfers of resources between North and South for sustainable development?

Link: WCERE2018