Our Projects

Software Projects

 Star · OS

 Star · OS will be an operating system for rockets.

 it will first start as a regular launch program but throughout its development it will receive different updates, such as a docking assistant and an anti-crash algorithm

/// Nexus ·OS

Nexus will be a mini-OS similar to  Star · OS but with some different features, it will be dedicated to the other things that are not rockets (Droneships, drones, rovers, and probes).

J · OS

J·OS, a basic operating system for satellites, landers, and probes, delivers vehicle and environmental data for enhanced vehicle control. 

Vortex · OS

Vortex · OS, an advanced operating system, enables seamless coordination for landers, swarm spacecraft, and collaborative vehicles. The system provides comprehensive information about the vehicle and nearby units, allowing simultaneous control over multiple vehicles with precision. 

𝞹  Nest · OS

Nest · OS, an advanced operating system designed for satellite constellations, facilitates seamless synchronization and communication within clusters of satellites. The system offers comprehensive information about the constellation, including orbital details, individual satellite names, and the respective planets they orbit. Nest · OS empowers efficient collaboration and data exchange among satellites, enhancing the overall performance of satellite constellations in orbit. 

^V Dynamics·OS

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Hardware Projects

Autonomous Acurrate & Safe Catch

We are working hard to achieve autonomous and safe capture for the rockets that use it, fusing software, hardware and innovation

Rockets without Central Booster

We are trying to develop a technology capable of distributing structural loads directly from the second stage to its boosters. thus eliminating the need for a central booster and lateral support system

Acurrate & safe integration infrastructure

We are improving integration and fusion mechanisms, such as capture arms, tower cranes, droneships, cranes and others.