OS's User General Guide


start of the guide

Welcome to the user guide for our operating systems (OS's). This guide aims to provide you with comprehensive insights into the functionalities of our OS's and their extensions. Here, you will discover how to navigate through various features, understand the purpose of the OS's and their extension, and harness the full potential of your enhanced experience. Let's embark on this journey together to explore the possibilities our OS's offers. 








¿what are them? ¿what can they do?

Operating systems act as intermediaries between users and machines. They simplify interaction by providing various methods for users to input information and receive output in a user-friendly way.

What is an Stella Space Agency OS?

Our OS's are info layers in top of the actual info layer of the game, they provide more information than the game does and also show the information already showing in a simpler way they also go far beyond this, the OS arent only Pretty display screens, they have advanced functions and information methods, in order to enhance the game experience, most of them have a console and event take use of the flight log as an info method. the OS are here to complement the game experience and make it more complete


The universal in-craft info transfer method

An Event its a form of information, data transmited from and to the craft. Generally the events are sended by the extensions of the system or by its console, but in fact anything can send an event.

for sending an event your code only have to contain this block:

The Event wakes up the universal event receiver every OS have and the data its the info that the system is gonna show

so you made an extension and want to give a visual confirmation/trigger to the player you just gotta send an Event and the system will show it 


Visors, Panels, Boards, Capsules, Courriers, Info Bars 

In JNO there are many ways to give info to the player for example the user input or the display

theres also the flight log, if you playa round with it you can modify it pretty wwll, pelase if you are thinking of making an extension/plugin, consider integrating it into the OS UI, each OS has its own theme and architecture. so please if your extension/plugin wants the player to interact with it, please make it easy for the payer to do it. 

for example:

yes it can make the block longer but this way the player can understand shorter numbers and the display wont lost the vector (0,0,0) strucutre.


¿What is an Extension?, How do they Work,Stock extensions,

User added or created extensions/plugins,

Before we start talking about extensions, custom plugins or anything else, here are some usfeull links you should have, in order to create of modificate something in your OS

Ok so now that you have them, lets start by 

What Is an Extension

Basicly an extension its everything that its not directly related to the UI

For example:

the block A can show information and also the block B.

Block A controls the display of the program and also triggers block B.

so block A can start working without block b and block b can complement 

block A but cant work without block A working first

this is what we call an extension, a program that complement another program and also need it to start working itself. This rule is not fulfilled 100% of the time (since there are autonomous extensions) but most of the time it is

Now you know what is an extension you could download and install a couple to your OS (some of them have an advanced installation method but its because they have diferent funtions) Make sure of providing the information, compatibility and space necessary for them to function properly.

How does an Extension works

Well this is complicated...

an Extension its a really, really big word. But im gonna try to explain it

An Extension can make EVERYTHING or nothing, it really depends on what it was made for. lets take an example of one stock extension (A stock Extension its an extension made by Stella Space Agency directly and articulated from and for the OS's)

lets take for example: Marks 

It its designed to elevate the camera over the terrain making it appear 2D, at the same time it scans and targets the terrain where the camera its pointing, it also listens for Translation mode to stop doing the first 2 steps.

when Translation Mode its activated it stops scanning and targeting, it stores the point where the camera was pointing in a list called landmarks and assign a name (previously asked to the player for) to the point. it also restores the camera rotation to where it started and focuses the OS container.

Then the player can chose if add a new mark or just tagert an existing one. 

ⓘ  This explication was simplified

Click Here to download the code

The diference between Extensions and Plugins

An Extension:

A Complementary program Designed to complement another program, and achieve its function in any craft (its universal) 

An Plugin:

A normal vizzy program but articulated with the main craft OS it can stlli running on any crfat even if it doesnt have an OS but generally it its designed for an specific craft

A plugin is intended to be installed in th eplugin port of your OS container, and the extentesion should go in any other module, it only have to be conected to the console using a receive block wiht the name of the extension and adding it to the console list

you can add 3 or 4 letters from the extension name so it can slide mistakes. not all OS's consoles are like this, some have only a line with "if ( ) then ( ) else ( )" something like this

in this case you should only add this

User Added or Created Extensions or Plugins

Well after all this is vizzy theres no way we can confine the players to dont modify the system, so lets teach them how to do it properly:

we cant teach you. you gotta learn, if we teach you how to make things you just gonna replicate our work but wont create something new. off course we can help you check the sctock Extensions and lets begin with the "tutorial".


Fun Facts, Facts, Helpful information, Things you would like to know about

 Stella ARM 

( Articulated Replication MEchanism )

when 2 crafts with the smae or diferent OS dock, ARM will make one of the OS's shut down, this prevents bugs, display overlaping or problems with the console, the craft that shut down its OS its the one with the oldest version of it or the one with a diferent OS and that the player arent in, when the crafts undock the system should return working normally if this doesnt happen, you should open the console and write "reload" this command its available in all OS's that integrates ARM

 Stella SYNC 

( Synchronization )

Stella synchronization its like bluetooth added to the game with it you can control other crafts Sliders and activation groups. its not like Mirrors extension because a SYNC with a craft can be stored and sended always you need it for example a ship that its gonna land and need the tower to separe its arms. if the tower arms work with slider 1. you can control that tower with SYNC, and save that conection so the nex time you need to do something similar you just need to set the slider to 100% and turn on SYNC, and it will automaticly set the slider 1 in the tower to 100%

 Stella BEAM 

( Medium Distance Data Transmission )

Lets say for Example that you have a satellite in a very very low lunar orbit 6km x 7km ( BEAM's max working distance its the physics distance slider)

In this example BEAM's max working distance is 10 km, so any orbit under that distance will work. to get extended working distance you should XML modify your settings to have... for example: 

50 km distance that would make BEAM work from lunar Surface to Lunar Medium Orbit.

So lets resume the first example, your satellite in the low - low lunar orbit, if it supports BEAM it sill have a BEAM receive block where it can receive and store the beamed data

For BEAM to work you need a receiver and an emissor so the rover has to maintain beam activated so the satellite can hear it when it enter the physics range. 

when the satellite enters the prysics range it hears the rover and send it a list with instructions, then the rover stores them and depending of what has been send it carry out the instructions or just stores them. this makes crafts with BEAM a posible relay craft.

Things you would like to know

Fun Facts