Stefan Mihajlović

Hi! Welcome to my website, I am a mathematician and I currently work as a Krener Assistant Professor at the University of California, Davis.

Until recently, I was a researcher at Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics and a teaching assistant and instructor at Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest. My main area of interest is low-dimensional topology, with a focus on smooth 4-manifolds, but I lately also explored the topology of moduli spaces.

I completed my PhD in February 2023 at the Central European University in Budapest in a program joint with the Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics. My thesis title was  "Elliptic Fibrations in 4-dimensional Geometry and Topology", and my thesis supervisors were professors András Stipsicz and Szilárd Szabó. Previously, I did my Bachelor's and Master's at the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mathematics, and my Master's thesis supervisor was Marko Stošić.

You can best reach me at smihajlovic (at) or stefanmihajlovic (at)

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