
MACROECONOMICS III (in English) - Semester 3

Thursdays 9:30am-12:45pm, Room CHE2 205

Class Cancelled on Nov. 23; MAKE-UP Class on Nov. 20 @9:30am Room C443

Suggested Book: ​Macroeconomics - A European Perspective - by Olivier Blanchard, Alessia Amighini, Francesco Giavazzi, Fourth Edition


Your course grade = TBD


1. Introduction (Blanchard Ch.1 and 2

2. The Goods Market (Blanchard Ch. 3)

3. Financial Market (Blanchard Ch. 4)

4. IS-LM Model (Blanchard Ch. 5 and 6)

5. The labor Market (Blanchard Ch. 7)

6. From the Short to the Medium Run: The IS-LM-PC Model (Blanchard Ch. 8 and 9)


Tuesdays 9:45-13pm (from Sep.19 to Nov.21)

Sep. 26 and Oct. 3: Room  B346 Saint-Martin

From Oct. 10: Room A403 Chênes 1

Suggested Book: International Economics: Theory and Policy (Twelfth Edition, Global Edition) by Paul R. Krugman, Maurice Obstfeld, and Marc J. Melitz


Your course grade = 100% based on final exam on Nov. 21

Topics and tentative schedule:

Part 1: International Trade Theory: (on Sep. 19, 26)

1) The Ricardian model and the gravity model of world trade (Chapter 2 and 3)

Part 2: The Balance of Payments, Foreign Exchange Markets, and Exchange Rates: (on Oct. 3, 10, 17)

2) The balance of payments (Chapter 13)

3) Nominal and real exchange rates; fixed exchange rates (Chapter 14 and 15)

4) Purchasing power parity (Chapter 16)

5) The currency market (Chapter 17 and 18)

Part 3: Open-Economy Macroeconomics and the International Monetary System: (on Nov. 7 and Nov. 14)

6) The European monetary system, the euro and current challenges of the european monetary integration (Chapter 21)

7) The impact of covid 19 in the global economy (TBD)

UE LIBRE "INÉGALITÉS" (en français) - Semestre 3 - en visioconférence 

Jeudi 16h30, à compter du 28 septembre 2023

Ouvrage conseillé (mais pas obligatoire) : L'Économie - CORE


Inégalités des revenus et des patrimoines​

Inégalités des revenus de travail​

La perception des inégalités​​

Podcasts et articles intéressants :

Covid's effect on inequality par Jonathan D. Ostry 

Gender and employment in the COVID-19 recession: Cross-country evidence on ‘she-cessions’ par John Bluedorn, Francesca Caselli, Niels-Jakob Hansen, Ippei Shibata, Marina M. Tavares 

Women and money par Michelle Tertilt 

Think like an economist par Betsey Stevenson & Justin Wolfers

Institute for New Economic Thinking

Les inégalités hommes/femmes sur le marché du travail par Cécilia Garcia Peñalosa 

UE LIBRE "Inequalities in Contemporary Societies - A Quantitative Approach" (in English) - Semester 5  - online

Thursday 4:30pm, starting from November 9 2023

This class is part of Eutopia Learning Communities 


This course is open to 3rd undergraduate students of any field. However, a good level of spoken and written English is required (B1 level), as well as Statistics I

Course description:

This course provides an introduction to the analysis of inequalities in income, wealth, access to education, gender, and ethnicity. Three sets of core questions will be tackled: 1) How has inequality evolved over time? 2) What are the theories that can explain the level of inequalities and its dynamics? 3) How do policies affect inequalities? 

This course will also show how data can be used to understand and address these important social and economic problems, by providing an introduction to basic methods in data science (Python), including regression, causal inference. Students will be assigned empirical projects that will give them hands-on experience in working with data from the World Inequality Database, the OECD, the IPUMS International, and the Opportunity Insights. 

The objectives of the course are the following: 

Required readings:

There is no textbook that covers all the material that we will see in class, so to succeed in this course it is essential to attend all the lectures. Lecture notes will be posted on the course website, but these notes are not comprehensive, so it is critical to be attentive and to take notes during lectures. Lectures are key to doing well in this course. 

Python references: 

Course structure:

The course is organized into two parts: 

Nov 30: Marina Tavares (IMF)

Dec 7: Miruna Pochea (Babes-Bolyai University) on "Financial literacy and income inequality"



Mondays 9am starting from Oct 2 2023, Room E106

MACROÉCONOMIE II (en français) - Semester 2

Le matériel du cours sera disponible dans l'espace Cours CY.