

8. La maternité controversée sur le terrain du football : Une analyse croisée entre France et Angleterre 2024, with M.-S. Abouna, J. Forsyth, S. Brodziak, A. Blackett, Nouvelles Questions Féministes, forthcoming.  

7. Gender Differences in Burnout Syndrome and Perceptions of Gender Equality in Research Organisations 2022, Vol. 5 No. 1: 5th International Conference on Gender Research. DOI: [DATA]

6. Marriage Strategy Among the European Nobility 2020, with J. Pouyet and T. Tregouet. Explorations in Economic History, Volume 75, January. Replication files are available at OpenICPSR. DOI:

5. Welfare and Trade Elasticity with Multinational Production 2020, with P. Bombarda. The World Economy, Volume 43, Issue 2, pp. 388-411, February. DOI:

4. Taxation and Female Labor Supply in Italy 2015, with F. Colonna, IZA Journal of Labor Policy, 4:5 (19 March 2015). DOI:

Winner of the Prize in Memory of Maria Concetta Chiuri 2011, SIEP​

(Selected coverage: La Voce; InGenere; Espresso; NoiseFromAmerika; Linkiesta)

3. Unemployment Duration of Spouses: Evidence From France 2014, LABOUR: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations, Vol. 28(4), pp. 399-429, December. DOI:

2. Until Death Do Us Part? The Economics of Short-Term Marriage Contracts 2014, with G. Ponthiere, Population Review, Vol. 53(1), pp.19-32. DOI:

(Selected coverage: PSE "5 articles...en 5 minutes"; Libération; The Toronto Star)

1. ​Divorce Laws and Divorce Rate in the U.S. 2013, The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, Vol. 13(1), pages 39, August. DOI:

Chapters in Books

Tokens and ICOs: A Review of the Economic Literature 2021, with A. Canidio, V. Danos, and J. Prat, in Principles of Blockchain Systems, Antonio Fernández Anta, Chryssis Georgiou, Maurice Herlihy, and Maria Potop-Butucaru, Synthesis Lectures on Computer Science, August 2021, Vol. 9, No. 2, Pages 1-213 (

Other Publications


"HANDBOOK FOR SUSTAINABLE GEPS", 2023, Edited by Tindara Addabbo and Giovanna Badalassi. Authors: Tindara Addabbo, Giovanna Badalassi, Ulpiana Kocollari, Jennifer Dahmen-Adkins, Silvia Donoso López, Aleksandra Drecun, Stefania Marcassa, Valeria Naciti, Corinna Pusch, Ingrid Shuli. (LeTSGEPs). ISBN : 978-88-89427-06-4 [English version, Version française]  English: - French:

Working Papers​​​

Fundamental Pricing of Utility Tokens 2024, with V. Danos and J. Prat. THEMA Working Paper 2019-11. We explain how to evaluate the fundamental price of utility tokens. Our model endogenizes the velocity of circulation of tokens and yields a pricing formula that is fully microfounded. According to our approach, tokens are valuable because they have to be immediately accessible when the platform service is needed, a requirement that is reminiscent of the cash-in-advance constraint in the theory of money.​ UPDATED DRAFT, R&R Management Science 2nd round

Migration, Social Change, and the Early Decline in the United States Fertility 2023, with A. Fogli. Our study examines the impact of internal migration on the fertility transition in the 19th-century United States. We find evidence that fertility declined at a faster rate in counties experiencing higher rates of outward migration, particularly toward the west- ern frontier. To estimate the causal effect of migration on fertility decline, we leverage the number of acres granted to American war veterans by Congress between 1847 and 1855. Our research explores the propagation of novel family values that influence inter- generational behaviors concerning savings and fertility. Migration, coupled with lim- ited remittance technology, prompted parents to engage in precautionary savings. This phenomenon fostered the decline of the multigenerational family structure rooted in an agricultural economy. UPDATED DRAFT 

Intra-Firm Trade, Multinational Production, and Welfare 2017, with P. Bombarda​​. THEMA Working Paper 2017-15. We propose a model where firms have access to competing market strategies: export and multinational production. Due to technological appropriability issues, foreign affiliates import an intermediate input from the home headquarters. The presence of export and multinational production alters the standard results obtained for welfare in heterogeneous firm models, through a double truncation of the productivity distribution. The model is then calibrated to analyze counterfactual scenarios. We find that welfare gains from intra-firm trade range from 0.3 to 7 percent depending on country characteristics.​​

Work in Progress

Gender Bias in Research Performing Institutions 

The Hedonic Price of the British Noble Husbands