Steele Elementary
Gifted & Talented

GT Progress Reports Grades 2nd-5th

If your student participates in GT Pull Out sessions (Literacy and/or Math), you will receive emailed progress reports this quarter. Students are completing their self-evaluations this week. A copy of their self-reflection will be in their DPS email. Feel free to ask them about it and discuss as a family. 

GT Progress Reports 1st

If your student participates in GT Pull Out sessions (Literacy and/or Math), you will receive emailed progress reports this quarter.  

Summer is coming...

Looking to keep your GT student engaged this summer? Checkout some suggestions on our Resources for Grownups page

A note of thanks...

I want to extend a note of gratitude for all of the Teacher Appreciation Week gifts and kind words. It is a sincere joy to have time with your student each week. As the year draws to a close, I can say with honest reflection that this has been our best year in GT yet!

With many thanks for this time, I look forward to the fall and another year of learning and growth. 

Big Events

As we wrap up the year, lots of shifts are taking place. Keep reminding your student that groups are not on their usual schedule due to CMAS, Iowa, Cognitive and upcoming Sixth Grade Math Advanced Placement Testing. I will continue to schedule groups as often as possible. Thank you for being flexible. 

Happy Spring Break All!

Wishing you all a relaxing break. 

Due to the upcoming CMAS testing schedule, the GT schedule will shift to accommodate as many groups as possible. 

GT Progress Reports Grades 2nd-5th

If your student participates in GT Pull Out sessions (Literacy and/or Math), you will receive emailed progress reports this quarter. Students are completing their self-evaluations this week. A copy of their self-reflection will be in their DPS email. Feel free to ask them about it and discuss as a family. 

GT Progress Reports 1st

If your student participates in GT Pull Out sessions (Literacy and/or Math), you will receive emailed progress reports this quarter.  A copy of their self-reflection will be included in the email. Feel free to review and discuss as a family.

Interim Schedule Change

Due to the change in schedule next week for interims, GT will have an alternate schedule as well for March 13-16.

Google Classroom

In an effort to provide a more equitable experience and ensure all GT/TP students receive consistent services, a Google Classroom has been set up for 2nd - 5th grade learning groups.  Enrichment options will be shared directly with Kinder and 1st teachers. 

 If more than one session is missed in a semester due to a disrupted calendar (scheduled holidays, snow days, etc...), students will have optional enrichment work in the Google Classroom they can access during the week to be reviewed at our next GT session. This does not apply to individual student absences.  

Personal Devices

In order to honor everyone's enrichment time and minimize disruptions, cell phones, smart watches and other personal devices will need to be kept in lockers during GT sessions.

Flexible Schedule 

With interims, field trips, holiday parties and all other goodness that accompanies the end of the semester, our schedule will be shifting to accommodate. The major changes are fifth grade will meet twice this week (5th and 8th) and second grade will meet twice next week (12th and 15th). 

GT Progress Reports

GT Progress Reports will go home this week with students who receive GT pull out services. If your child joined the group after October 1st, they will begin to receive their quarterly progress reports second quarter. 

A few points to note: 

Conclusion of Fall GT Assessments

Great news, Steele Family- GT Assessments have concluded for the fall session! Over 150 students were tested!

A few points to note: 

Upcoming Universal Screeners & Other Date Points

Second Grade GT Universal Screener:  the week of October 19th (see parent information sent home)

Kindergarten GT Universal Screener:  the week of October 24th (parent information to come home the week before)

Cognitive/Cog-AT Testing:  by request only,  October 20-27th 

IOWA Testing: based on teacher/data recommendation, October 19-27th 

Observation Scales (survey): completed by classroom teacher, GT Teacher, previous years' teacher, etc...., completed by November 1st 

The month of October is going to be busy! Each year, our GT schedule shifts a bit to accommodate all of the testing. Please reassure your child that we will back to regular sessions as soon as possible. The tentative plan is to make up sessions for groups that have had multiple schedule disruptions each quarter. 

If your child is taking part in any assessments, you will receive additional information closer to time. 

Mindfulness Practices in our Learning Community

Mindfulness: be present (not in thoughts of the past, not in the concerns of the future), but aligning the body and mind to peacefully ground in the “here and now”

In the GT classroom, we begin every session with a mindfulness practice. This is a prime opportunity for students to reset and refocus on themselves, their needs and their learning in the GT space. 

I am sharing our practices here in the hopes that they would serve your child in other spaces.

Mindfulness Practice 1: Breath Work

This is our go-to practice… nothing re-centers the kiddos better than breath work. Students sit safely in a comfortable position. Eyes are closed if that feels safe for them or they may soften their gaze to a spot on the table or carpet in front of them. 

Four square breathing: inhale for a count of four, hold for four, breath out for four, breath out for four more, repeat as needed

Steady Breath:  inhale for 6 or 8, exhale for 6 or 8, repeat as needed

Bear Belly Breath: students lay on their back, a counting bear or any other small object is placed on the belly, children begin by taking slow inhales and exhales focusing on the bear rising and sinking as s-l-o-w-l-y as possible. Next, have the kids take as full breaths as possible. The focus is on the bear rising as high in the air as possible on a deep inhale and sink as low as possible as they exhale completely.

Energizing Breath: inhale for 6 and exhale sharp for 1, repeat as needed 

Animal Breath: this fun for littles! Lion breath- giant inhale and wide-mouth exhale, Cat/cow yoga breath, Snake breath- breathe flat on stomach, etc….

Mindfulness Practice 2: Visualization

Kids sit safely in a comfortable position. Eyes are closed if that feels safe for them or they may soften their gaze to a spot in front of them. 

Oceans: Kids are encouraged to imagine their feelings like waves coming to shore. None are permanent. So whatever emotion or struggle they are having, they inhale and imagine it coming to their beach (take a moment to feel those feelings) and then exhale letting go of those feelings. Repeat a few times. 

Balloons: Kids imagine they are a balloon. Guide them through a neighborhood of what they would encounter, focussing on the five senses. As the balloon, they are carried on a soft breeze. They may notice the orange, gold and red leaves gently gliding to the ground. They would hear a dog barking in a park nearby….

Guide them back home safely.

Full Body Check-in: Start at the head and have students intentionally relax or “soften” each area as they move down their body. (i.e. notice if your shoulders are tight or tense. Relax the shoulders and allow them to drop slowly. Follow down your arms and release any muscles that are contracted. Relax your wrist. And take a moment to soften each finger… one at a time.) 

Mindfulness Practice 3: Affirmations

Children sit carefully in a comfortable position in a safe, independent space where they can write without disturbing.

I statements:  Kids are prompted with I statements to redirect to positive thinking. “I am strongest when I ….”, “I feel my best when I…”, “I love me because…”

Journaling: The kids may want to journal how they are feeling and close with affirming statements.

Word Cloud: They will draw an outline of their head (or whole body) and fill the space with positive attributes they enjoy about themselves or are proud of. 

Things In Our GT Learning Space That Just Make Sense

GT Identification Information

Back to School Night 2022-23