For those of us yet to receive our Steam Decks, I've been tracking how far each Steam Deck queue has progressed for a few weeks. I thought I'd throw together a table for each queue that maps how far into each queue we are for each batch I have data on. The spreadsheet of raw data is here.

I'm downloading a few games right now and they're taking forever over wifi, so I want to add more to the queue. I've only got about 4 going right now. But when I try to add another by clicking install the deck just makes a noise and doesn't proceed with the download. Has anyone else encountered this?

Steam Deck Download Queue

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We have mitigated the issues impacting our server capacity and matchmaking, which were preventing players from joining new servers. There are still login queues in some regions, but these queues are now being processed correctly and you should be able to allocate servers.

I'm re-saving my Steam backups via copying the steamapps\common folders. As such, I have a lot of Steam backup versions to re-install first. It seems with this version of Steam (beta - Oct 18 - 2013), you can start installing multiple backups at the same time. Just click on a 2nd or 3rd install .exe file and click "continue install." I know it'll take a long time to install 3 games from the one directory at the same time, but at least I can queue a few up (100 more installs to go).

So I just did this easily by creating a new collection and then adding each one that needed to be installed to that new collection that I named 'need to be installed'. I installed an 8 terabyte hard drive last night and am moving 76 games over to it while I'm staying in a hotel and using their internet, instead of paying for all that data myself. You can click on the top one under your need to install collection on the left hand side and then shift click the bottom one, then right click on that whole file and install every single one of them in a queue. You need to do this with big picture mode minimized so that you get the tool bar on the left hand side of the page. It works very easily.

If you set Steam to Big Picture mode you can queue up as many games as you want (never downloaded too many so there MIGHT be a limit), and then you can leave Big Picture mode and they will still be in your download queue

Many of you are probably in a similar situation to me where you work and you have a commute to get back home, for most of us we are stuck not only in a 1 - 2 hour queue time on the highway waiting to get home but also a 1 - 2 hour queue time once we get home before we can play.

The error message Failed to load queue can also appear as soon as I click on Click here to begin exploring your queue. When this is going to happen, there is no background game banners visible behind the brown rubber band.

I think (and I have little knowledge about these matters) the reason this tends to happen right after finishing a queue, is that these queues are fully preloaded in advance. This is substantiated by the fact that if you deviate from the queue and continue later, it will let you pick up where you left it.

Moreover, this would also explain it happening generally to users with a higher discovery count (since, I guess, it will take longer to parse the database).

The queue-generation [of Steam] works on the same principles as the post history: each request gets a fixed number of milliseconds of time to finish. If it cannot finish within that time, all work done so far is thrown out; the request is killed; and you get sent back an "oops! something went wrong!" instead.

Who would have thought this day would come so soon? After estimates of the Steam Deck going into reservations until next year, it is now showing that the Deck no longer has any queue to receive it! Checking on the Steam Deck website, you can now buy each version of the Deck with an estimated 1-2 weeks for delivery:

The word queue can have different meanings depending on the context. However, when people refer to a queue without using any qualifiers, they usually mean a FIFO queue, which resembles a line that you might find at a grocery checkout or tourist attraction:

FIFO is short for first-in, first-out, which describes the flow of elements through the queue. Elements in such a queue will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis, which is how most real-life queues work. To better visualize the element movement in a FIFO queue, have a look at the following animation:

Enqueuing and dequeuing are two independent operations that may be taking place at different speeds. This fact makes FIFO queues the perfect tool for buffering data in streaming scenarios and for scheduling tasks that need to wait until some shared resource becomes available. For example, a web server flooded with HTTP requests might place them in a queue instead of immediately rejecting them with an error.

Another point worth noting about the queue depicted above is that it can grow without bounds as new elements arrive. Picture a checkout line stretching to the back of the store during a busy shopping season! In some situations, however, you might prefer to work with a bounded queue that has a fixed capacity known up front. A bounded queue can help to keep scarce resources under control in two ways:

When this queue reaches its maximum capacity, then adding a new element will first shift all existing elements by one position towards the head, discarding the oldest element and making room for the new one. Notice that the discarded element gets overwritten by its immediate neighbor.

A stack is a more specialized queue, also known as a LIFO or last-in, first-out queue. It works almost exactly like a regular queue, except that elements must now join and leave it through only one end called the top of the stack. The name top reflects the fact that real-world stacks tend to be vertical. A pile of plates in the kitchen sink is an example of a stack:

Even though the LIFO queue above is oriented horizontally, it preserves the general idea of a stack. New elements grow the stack by joining it only on the right end, as in the previous examples. This time, however, only the last element pushed onto the stack can leave it. The rest must wait until there are no more elements that have joined the stack later.

A double-ended queue or deque (pronounced deck) is a more generic data type that combines and extends the ideas behind the stack and the queue. It allows you to enqueue or dequeue elements from both ends in constant time at any given moment. Therefore, a deque can work as a FIFO or a LIFO queue, as well as anything in between and beyond.

Using the same example of a line of people as before, you can take advantage of a deque to model more sophisticated corner cases. In real life, the last person in the queue might get impatient and decide to leave the queue early or join another queue at a new checkout that has just opened. Conversely, someone who has booked a visit online for a particular date and time in advance may be allowed to join the queue at the front without waiting.

In this particular example, most elements generally follow one direction by joining the queue on the right and leaving it on the left, just like in a plain FIFO queue. However, some privileged elements are allowed to join the queue from the left end, while the last element can leave the queue through the opposite end.

Note: Even though the priority queue is conceptually a sequence, its most efficient implementation builds on top of the heap data structure, which is a kind of binary tree. Therefore, the terms heap and priority queue are sometimes used interchangeably.

That being said, trying to build something from scratch can be an invaluable learning experience. You might also get asked to provide a queue implementation during a technical interview. So, if you find this topic interesting, then please read on. Otherwise, if you only seek to use queues in practice, then feel free to skip this section entirely.

As expected, the enqueued elements come back to you in their original order. If you want, you may improve your class by making it iterable and able to report its length and optionally accept initial elements:

Even though this is an oversimplification of the problem, you can think of the CAN bus as a priority queue that sorts the messages according to their importance. Now, return to your code editor and define the following class in the Python module that you created before:

You defined three priority levels: critical, important, and neutral. Next, you instantiated a priority queue and used it to enqueue a few messages with those priorities. However, instead of dequeuing the message with the highest priority, you got a tuple corresponding to the message with the lowest priority.

The counter gets initialized when you create a new PriorityQueue instance. Whenever you enqueue a value, the counter increments and retains its current state in a tuple pushed onto the heap. So, if you enqueue another value with the same priority later, then the earlier one will take precedence because you enqueued it with a smaller counter.

As mentioned in the introduction to this tutorial, queues are the backbone of many important algorithms. One particularly interesting area of application is visiting nodes in a graph, which might represent a map of roads between cities, for example. Queues can be useful in finding the shortest or the most optimal path between two places.

Note: Instead of using a while loop along with the walrus operator (:=) to yield a dequeued node in one expression, you could take advantage of the fact that your custom queue is iterable by dequeuing elements using a for loop:

Internally, this specialized priority queue stores data class elements instead of tuples because the elements must be mutable. Notice the additional order flag, which makes the elements comparable, just like tuples: e24fc04721

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