The all-* models where trained on all available training data (more than 1 billion training pairs) and are designed as general purpose models. The all-mpnet-base-v2 model provides the best quality, while all-MiniLM-L6-v2 is 5 times faster and still offers good quality. Toggle All models to see all evaluated models or visit HuggingFace Model Hub to view all existing sentence-transformers models.

Using the -transformers python package, I'm able to just specify a repo/model, and everything just works. However, when I try to consume a model with .NET/ONNX, I have to specify the input_ids max length, which for this model, -transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2, the documentation says is 256, but sentence-transformers seems to return up to 512 tokens. And I have to manually specify the output size, which the documentation says is 384. And of course I have to know the tokenizer to use as well.

Download Sentence-transformers All-minilm-l6-v2

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Can someone please advise me upon the hardware requirements of using sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2 for a semantic similarity use-case. I had downloaded the model locally and am using it to generate embedding, and finally using util.pytorch_cos_sim to calculate similarity scores between 2 sentences. All was working good in my Mac Pro ( 2.4 GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9 processor and 32 GB memory); but after I moved the model to containers of 1 core CPU and 4 GB RAM (within my company provided network), the code is taking at least 15-20 times more time to generate the cosine similarity score.

I am experimenting with RAG and now wondering which embeddings I should use. Many blogposts use the "sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2" embeddings for the query and vectordatabase and the Llama2 for generating the output. So I am wondering if it is better to use to same embeddings here instead of 2 different ones?

Hugging Facesentence-transformersis a Python framework for state-of-the-art sentence, text and imageembeddings. One of the embedding models is used in theHuggingFaceEmbeddings class. We have also added an alias forSentenceTransformerEmbeddings for users who are more familiar withdirectly using that package.

BERTopic starts with transforming our input documents into numerical representations. Although there are many ways this can be achieved, we typically use sentence-transformers ("all-MiniLM-L6-v2") as it is quite capable of capturing the semantic similarity between documents.

This embedding back-end was put here first for a reason, sentence-transformers works amazing out of the box! Playing around with different models can give you great results. Also, make sure to frequently visit this page as new models are often released.

Hello, I was trying to run GUI for a sentence-transformers model using streamlit, however streamlit does not seem to use my GPU locally as it gives me the following message: Use pytorch device: cpu. When not using streamlit I can use GPU properly can anyone help me with this?y

Before we can start qunatizing we need to convert our vanilla sentence-transformers model to the onnx format. To do this we will use the new ORTModelForFeatureExtraction class calling the from_pretrained() method with the from_transformers attribute. The model we are using is the sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2 which maps sentences & paragraphs to a 384 dimensional dense vector space and can be used for tasks like clustering or semantic search and was trained on the 1-billion sentence dataset.

When using sentence-transformers natively you can run inference by loading your model in the SentenceTransformer class and then calling the .encode() method. However this only works with the PyTorch based checkpoints, which we no longer have. To run inference using the Optimum ORTModelForFeatureExtraction class, we need to write some methods ourselves. Below we create a SentenceEmbeddingPipeline based on "How to create a custom pipeline?" from the Transformers documentation.

We can now leverage the map function of datasets to iterate over the validation set of stsb and run prediction for each data point. Therefore we write a evaluate helper method which uses our SentenceEmbeddingsPipeline and sentence-transformers helper methods.

First, we need to install the sentence-transformers package, which includes the necessary dependencies for using Sentence Transformers. This library offers a wide range of pre-trained models, such as BERT, RoBERTa, and MiniLM, that can be used for text encoding. More information about Sentence Transformers can be found here.

In the code snippet above, we begin by installing the sentence-transformers package, which provides the necessary tools for working with Sentence Transformers. This library offers various pre-trained models that can convert sentences into meaningful vector representations.

Next, we create a kernel instance and configure the hugging face services we want to use. In this example we will use gp2 for text completion and sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2 for text embeddings. e24fc04721

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