Guru Pitka is the self proclaimed "number-two guru in the world", after Deepak Chopra. A flashback shows that Pitka was an orphan, taught by Guru Tugginmypudha. When the twelve-year-old Pitka announces he wants to become a guru so that girls will love him, Tugginmypudha puts a chastity belt on him until he can learn that loving himself is more important than being loved by others. Pitka asks if he can still masturbate but is warned if he attempts to he will become blind with strabismus like Tugginmypudha.

Pitka's dream is to become the number-one guru and appear on The Oprah Winfrey Show. He lives a charmed life with thousands of followers, including the celebrities Jessica Simpson, Val Kilmer and Mariska Hargitay (whose name is used as a faux-Hindi greeting, even to Hargitay herself). Pitka's teachings, which involve simplistic acronyms and plays on words, are displayed in PowerPoint slide shows.

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Dick Pants warns Pitka to hurry up the process or he will lose his spot on Oprah again to Deepak Chopra. Pitka is adamant that Darren is not ready. Pitka and Darren attempt a confrontation, but her invective ends up scaring both of them away. Pitka helps Darren realize that since his mother only showed him love when he succeeded, he had grown to believe Prudence would only love him as long as he won. Pitka then drives himself and Darren to Niagara Falls for a "Heart to Heart".

Back in India, Tugginmypudha tells Pitka that he has finally learned to love himself and removes Pitka's chastity belt, revealing there was a hook in the back. The film ends with Jane and Pitka dancing together in a Bollywood-style number to a rendition of "The Joker".

Myers first came up with the idea for Guru Pitka in the mid-90s.[3][4] The character was originally planned for the Austin Powers franchise.[5] Myers began workshopping the character in New York comedy clubs in 2005.[6] He billed these live shows as "An Evening With His Holiness the Guru Pitka".[7] Myers said, "about a third of the audience were friends of mine who would come. A third of the audience would be people that had heard that I was doing it. And a third would be people thinking they were coming to see an actual guru. I did that for a year and I videotaped them and it informed me."[8] Myers wore a prosthetic nose for the character both in the live performances and in the film.[9][10][11]

Mike Myers was a big fan of the buffoonish Insp. Clouseau of the Pink Panther films as a child, introduced to the rip-roaring but politically incorrect movies by his beloved father, a comedy junkie himself.

In "The Love Guru," Mike Myers must come to love himself before he can love others. From the credits of this scattershot comedy sketch stretched and strained to movie length, Myers clearly loved himself to the point of narcissism going in.

Self-love does not seem to be an issue for Myers, unlike Pitka, the world's second-best guru, who carries a chip on his shoulder from growing up in the shadow of top-seeded rival Deepak Chopra (who makes a brief appearance in "The Love Guru").

Looking like a cross between Beatles guru Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and Charles Manson, Pitka seems to have it all: A popular self-help regimen, a lush L.A. ashram with celebrity fawners, even his own spiritual greeting, "Mariska Hargitay." It's cute at first but wears thin by the 20th or 30th time Pitka and his followers appropriate the "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" actress' name.

The teenage Pitka is put into a chastity belt until he can learn to love himself. For all his success counseling others on romance, the adult Pitka still has his privates encased in the metal contraption.

When audiences go to "Eat, Pray, Love" this weekend, they will watch as Julia Roberts, blond and brokenhearted, folds her long, long legs into a perfect letter X, chants a mysterious mantra, and magically finds the equanimity that has been eluding her. Viewers will see her undergo life-changing experiences thanks to her guru's grace and the spirit of her guru's master, a man she calls a "South Indian old lion." They will perhaps be awed and enchanted by the exotic spiritual treasure chest that is India. And then they will cheer for her as she finally mends the cracks in her heart and makes her way to Bali to find love.

What they probably won't know is that the unnamed guru is a hugely controversial figure who has disappeared from public view amid allegations of manipulation, financial misconduct and intimidation. And as that guru's organization, the Siddha Yoga Dham of America (SYDA), has come under fire, her own guru (yes, gurus also have gurus), the "old lion," has been accused of sexual abuse, molestation and sexual intercourse with minor girls.

The film, like the Elizabeth Gilbert memoir on which it is based, doesn't name the real-life ashram or guru, and Gilbert has never revealed the guru's identity. Readers of the book are instead treated to breathless but abstract passages like this: "Then I listened to the Guru speak in person for the first time, and her words gave me chill bumps all over my whole body, even across the skin of my face. And when I heard she had an Ashram in India, I knew I must take myself there as quickly as possible."

In 1983, an expos by journalist William Rodarmor in CoEvolution Quarterly (a Stewart Brand magazine that eventually became Whole Earth Review) suggested that before his death, Muktananda had been having sex with several young girls in his ashrams. The septuagenarian guru, said the piece, used to stand behind a curtain and spy on girls in the female dormitory. He even had a special area equipped with a gynecologist's table that was used for his sexual dalliances. In public, he announced that he was celibate, insisting that sexual acts took away from spiritual energy. But in private, a parade of girls would be trooping in and out of his bedroom all night. The story even describes the violence and intimidation used by Muktananda to control his devotees. There are accounts of him beating hapless Indian peasants outside the ashram grounds, of stabbing his valet with a fork, and of sending burly enforcers to take care of devotees who refused to toe the party line.

In 1994, the New Yorker revisited these accusations in the article "O Guru, Guru, Guru," written by Lis Harris. Harris found several other women who said that Muktananda had forced them to have sex with him. But she also chronicled Shetty's behavior as the new guru. Shetty displayed many of the same traits as her mentor. She ran a hate campaign against her brother, who had been named as a co-successor by Muktananda, beating him and isolating him until he finally gave up his claim on the SYDA's spiritual mantle. She denied all allegations of Muktananda's sexual abuse and shielded other sexual predators inside the ashram, including a man called George Afif, who was convicted of statutory rape. Harris' piece even hinted that Shetty herself had had sexual relations with Afif. "While I was working on the story," Harris told Salon, "I was constantly followed [inside the ashram]. Men with walkie-talkies wouldn't let me go anywhere on my own. They were always asking my driver questions. A woman who I worked with in the ashram's kitchen was even noting down every word I said. It was very Big Brother-like."

In 2004, presumably about a year after her encounter with Gilbert (whose book came out in 2006), Shetty disappeared from public life. Now followers only get an occasional video message from their master. Shaw believes that the appearance of websites like Leaving Siddha Yoga caused Shetty to retreat into a world where she has full control. Others say that she's just tired of playing guru.

It's anyone's guess if "EPL's" film release will cause a renewed surge in SYDA's membership. Or if a new wave of popularity will force Shetty to come back into public view. But Gilbert's account of her time in India, her naive view of her guru as a "compassionate, loving" and "enlightened" master, and her faith that Muktananda was a "world-changing" and "self-realized" leader are all a sad chronicle of the human need to find spiritual anchors, and then to believe that these ordinary, and often deeply flawed, men and women are the path to our salvation.

But Myers' real competition is with himself, and his new movie, alas, is no "Austin Powers." It's awkward. The new character, a popular self-help guru named Pitka, is indistinct and not inherently funny. And this time out, Myers overdoes the potty and penis jokes: There are whole sections when watching the movie is like being locked in the mind of a 10-year-old boy.

His latest incarnation is as an American, raised in India, who is the second-most-popular self-help guru, behind Deepak Chopra. As an expert in love, he is hired by the owner of the Toronto Maple Leafs (Jessica Alba) to intercede in the love life of her star player (Romany Malco), because his wife (Meagan Good) has taken up with another man. The other man, a goalie for the opposing team, is known as Jacques "Le Coq" Grande, just to give you an idea of the kind of humor we're dealing with here. He's played with abandoned glee by Justin Timberlake.

The action of the movie involves the Love Guru's devising strategies for the hockey player to win back his wife. Some of the bits are funnier than others, but the basic character of the Love Guru himself has significant weaknesses as a comic creation. That he exists in a world in which Chopra also exists blunts the satire; it prevents Myers from mocking the concept of pop gurus in general. Like Austin Powers, the Love Guru thinks he's funny when he's not, but unlike Austin Powers, the people around the Love Guru also think he's funny. So the people onscreen are laughing when the audience is not.

Still, Myers never quits, and that's the great virtue of "The Love Guru." He throws in a mock Bollywood sequence (prominently featuring Alba, who finally seems relaxed on camera). He brings out elephants. He plays the sitar. He has a really funny scene in which the guru's early training is depicted by digitally grafting his head onto a child's body. e24fc04721

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