Lesson 9

Lesson 9

  1. Read “Dive In” on page 76

  2. Watch Lesson 9: Segment 1, and discuss the following:

    1. What is the difference between thinking of yourself as an heir--that is, as a son or daughter of God--versus as a “subject” or “member” of a kingdom?

    2. What are some ways that people hurt others when exercising their free will in a selfish matter?

  3. Watch Lesson 9: Segment 2, and discuss the following:

    1. What does Baptism do for us?

    2. Matthew 28:19 says, “Go, therefore, make disciples of all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” What does this teach us about Baptism?

  4. Watch Lesson 9: Segment 3, and discuss the following:

    1. What are some of the symbols used in Baptism?

    2. What do these symbols mean?

    3. What can you do this week to live more fully and publicly as a child of God?

  5. Complete the “Watch It!” on page 77

  6. Read “To the Heart” on pages 78-79

  7. Read “Hero of the Week” on page 80

  8. Read the Challenge of the Week, and choose one of the challenges to complete this week.

  9. Complete and submit the Lesson 9 Reflection by clicking the box below: