Lesson 4

Lesson 4

  1. Read “Dive In” on page 26

  2. Watch Lesson 4: Segment 1, and discuss the following:

    1. Can you think of a time when God revealed himself to you? Maybe it was in prayer or through another person or an event.

    2. Pretend you are talking to a nonbeliever. What “proofs” of God’s existence can you share? (See page 238 for more about “Existence of God”)

  3. Watch Lesson 4: Segment 2, and discuss the following:

    1. How often do you read the Bible? What stops you from reading it more often?

    2. Share your favorite story or verse from the Bible and the reason you like it.

  4. Watch Lesson 4: Segment 3, and discuss the following:

    1. Do you know anyone who does not believe in God? Why do you think he or she does not believe in God?

    2. Do you ever find it hard to trust God or to remember that he loves you no matter what? If so, what have you done--or what could you do in the future--to work through this problem?

  5. Complete the “Watch It!” on page 27

  6. Read “To the Heart” on pages 28-29

  7. Read “Hero of the Week” on page 30

  8. Read the Challenge of the Week, and choose one of the challenges to complete this week.

  9. Complete and submit the Lesson 4 Reflection by clicking the box below: