Why Youth Ministry Matters

Por qué importa el ministerio juvenil

Who "does" Youth Ministry?

Youth ministry is the responsibility of the entire parish! That is why you will see the young people of St. Bernadette & Christ the King serving and being served across the spectrum of the parish community. Every person who smiles at, shakes the hand of, encourages, parents, mentors, prays for, or otherwise impacts a young person is doing youth ministry!

​However, having “a Youth Ministry” also means that we intentionally focus on parishioners in the age group from grade six through the senior year of high school (and on their families). We believe they are part of the Church RIGHT NOW! (they are not just the “Church of tomorrow”!) We create experiences to empower them, to help them to grow, and to support them in this very fruitful time of their lives.

What is the impact of youth ministry on preteens and teens?

Youth ministry invites your child to develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, taking ownership of their faith - perhaps for the very first time. Those encounters with Christ are supported by the presence of older teens (peer ministers) and adults (mentors) who are also striving to follow Jesus and grow in love for of His Church. Most of all, youth ministry is a partnership with parents, as you are the primary catechists of your children - not just until they are Confirmed, but for life!

Parents, we KNOW you want what's good for your children. We do too!

Extracurricular activities, sports, school, and work are GOOD and not in competition with the life of discipleship in the Catholic Church.

Those activities may help your child build his or her résumé, but youth ministry helps your child to build his or her "eulogy" - those lasting qualities that people remember when someone's life is remembered and celebrated.

Together with parents, we strive to form a missionary disciple of Jesus who makes a lasting difference to those they encounter, as God calls them to do so in unique ways. This is what it means to be a Saint - and yes, we want those who participate in youth ministry to be SAINTS!!!

16 Reasons Youth Ministry is worth the time and effort:

  1. Teens learn valuable critical thinking skills, especially as it pertains to understanding the Secular Culture surrounding us.

  2. Teens learn valuable oral communication skills like friendly debate and answering questions/attacks against the Faith.

  3. Teens learn the value of teamwork through team-building challenges, doing service projects and on mission trips.

  4. Teens experience the values that come from the ups and downs of community life while on retreats, mission trips and conference trips.

  5. Teens learn the value of hard work doing service, at work camps and on mission trips.

  6. Teens learn the value of fun, communication and friendships in the REAL world as opposed to the virtual world.

  7. Teens learn the value of prayer and the skills to pray as a community and as an individual.

  8. Teens learn the value of their Catholic Faith in a safe, welcoming environment and are exposed to the BIG questions of life and the value of searching for Truth, Beauty and Goodness in the world and in others.

  9. Teens learn the value of friendships based on Faith and how that translates into life-long support in mutual self-giving relationships of love.

  10. Teens learn the value of a parish as they are incorporated into the life of the parish through music ministry, sacraments, liturgical ministry and service to the parish.

  11. Teens learn the value of a well-rounded life and how involvement in a youth ministry looks good on a college and/or work application.

  12. Teens learn the value of mentorship as they are surrounded by caring, faithful adult volunteers who serve and love them.

  13. Teens learn the value of being seen, known and loved.

  14. Teens learn the value of developing a personal relationship with Jesus.

  15. Teens learn the value of parents and siblings as they experience inter-generational family ministry through youth ministry.

  16. Teens learn that the youth ministry is an invaluable resource and support to their lives, both now and in the future and that they do not need to do life alone.