Catholic Tool #2:

Who Says? The Magisterium of Catholic Teaching

Herramienta Católica Numero Dos:

El Magisterio, el Catechismo, la Tradición Sagrada y la Enseñanza Católica

What is the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and how do I use it?

Pro-Tip: The entire Catechism of the Catholic Church is available online! (y en Español tambien: Catechismo de la Iglesia Católica)

The Catechism of the Catholic Church (Latin: Catechismus Catholicae Ecclesiae; commonly called the Catechism or the CCC) is a catechism promulgated for the Catholic Church by Pope John Paul II in 1992. It sums up, in book form, the beliefs of the Catholic faithful. The Catechism is arranged in four principal parts

There is also an approved a youth-focused adaptation of the Catechism called the Youcat was published in many languages. You can purchase it in English here and in Spanish here. (an English PDF is uploaded here.)

Check out the Youcat Daily app for Android or for Apple.

Where do Catholic teachings come from?

What is the Magisterium? Why be Catholic vs. any other kind of Christian?

TL;DR: Authority! It is the teaching of the Church, guided by the Holy Spirit.

Recursos en Español sobre el Magisterio, el Catechismo, la Tradición Sagrada y Enseñanza Católica

In Your Own Words: Make Up For Session #2

If you missed this session, complete the following and submit to the Sacramental Coordinator and/or the Director of Youth Ministry as your makeup assignment for this session. Please send a separate email for each missed session (you may combine your answers for each of the three resources into one email.)

  • Address an email with the subject line "Makeup Work: Session #2" and your full name in the body of the email.

  • Select THREE videos (or other resources) from the above to explore deeply.

  • Identify the three resources you chose in your email, and answer the following questions about each resource:

    1. How did this resource change, clarify, or solidify your previous understanding of the topic of Authority and Truth?

    2. How did this resource display the Catholic both/and" rule? (Remember that the "Catholic both/and rule" refers to the principles that the "Catholic answer" on almost every question involves a deep and complex "both this AND that" answer rather than a simplified, surface "either this or that" answer.

    3. How will your new or renewed understanding of this aspect of Catholic Tradition impact your daily life? In other words: So what?