Student Support

What's my role?

As your course instructor, I am your first contact for help you need in this course. If something doesn't make sense, sounds confusing, or you'd just like more information, let me know. Email me or message me on Canvas.

Faculty (including me), counselors, student tutors, and more are ready to help you reach your educational goals. We can help you with your course schedule, choosing classes, finding student aid, studying skills, working through assigned textbook problems--you name it, we have someone who can help. To locate the service you need, see the services listed below.

Communicating with Me

My Schedule

I typically try to clear all of my 'To Grade' list on Canvas and my inbox each morning. I don't actually know what the Pomodoro Technique is, but I liked the idea of setting times for particular things - so morning is my grading / email time. If you need a faster response, you can stop by office hours or ask the entire class on Pronto!

NOTE: If you email me and do not get a response within 24 hours, please resend your email - it's not obnoxious, it's just how you can ensure I get to your email when I go through my daily email purge. I always start with the most recent, so once something is buried, it's unlikely it will get dealt with.

How to Contact Me

Here's the hierarchy in terms of contacting me.

  • Message through Canvas - this is the best option for a number of reasons:

    • It comes straight to my inbox (and phone) with your section number and name already there! You don't have to worry about the details of "proper email" because Canvas has taken care of that.

    • We've had a TON of issues with our email in prior semesters (folks less adept at technology than most grandparents keep clicking on phishing emails) - we've had a period of a week where NO email came in or went out and our domain regularly gets blocked by outside domains like hotmail. So, if you send through Canvas, none of those issues will arise!

  • Email me - I just went through the reasons this is a bad idea... but you can still do this. Just know if you don't get a response within 24 hours, it may be because I never received it or your email host rejected my message.

  • Pronto - I LOVE Pronto, but I'm bad at keeping up with it. I'm in too many other instructors' classes and classes for instructors, so there's a ton in Pronto that isn't from my students. I try to check it regularly, but I'm definitely not good about it.

What to Call Me

I'm personally fond of "Kelly" or "Professor Spoon." I'm completely OK with the familiarity of us being on a first name basis, especially if it helps you feel more comfortable and removes some of the power dynamics of the traditional classroom. But I also understand many students are uncomfortable with that lack of formality, so you can also call me Professor Spoon. Heck, you can call me "Spoon" "Teacher Lady" "You" - as long as you're talking to me, I'm happy.

The only things I don't love being called are "Mrs" or "Dr" - while I guess I 'earned' the former by being a married woman, it's just not my jam. And the latter, I didn't earn despite finishing all the coursework and doing a ton of work on that unfinished dissertation...

Note: I do recommend referring to all of your professors as "Professor Last Name" unless they tell you otherwise. It's safe way to show respect without assuming gender or doctorate. Even better, ask them what they would like to be called!

Tips for success

  1. Be proactive. Log into our course every day and prepare for the week ahead.

  2. Play with math daily. Don't cram in that material, instead schedule an hour or two each day of our course so you can let your brain do the important work of consolidating between visits to our Canvas shell. Take breaks while you study. I have our course modules set so you can see exactly where you left off.

  3. Plan for the unexpected. Life happens! Aim to have all of your assignments done by 24-48 hours before they are due. That way you will meet all your deadlines. Not as crucial in our class where most of deadlines are suggestions, but still good advice.

  4. Communicate with me. If you miss a deadline, touch base to let me know what's going on. I'm able to best support you if I know how!


Please stop by to chat about ANYTHING! In the first few weeks of the semester, this can simply be to say hello.

Here's my availability:

  • Thursdays 9-10am on Zoom

  • Fridays 8-9am in MS 213

  • Fridays 1:35-2:35pm in MS 211

  • By Appointment

Content & Tech Help Services

Navigating new technology and new subject matter can be daunting, even in the best of times. Here are some resources to help you navigate these new tools and ideas.

  • Help with CANVAS: there is also a “Help button” on the left-hand sidebar of the Canvas homepage.

  • Online Tutoring - There's also a direct link to this on the navigation in Canvas! They can also help with technology stuff.

Counseling & Other Student Services

There are also other excellent services to help you navigate your educational journey on campus.

  • Mesa COVID Page - this site has links to sign up to check out a laptop, apply for emergency relief funds, and for the wifi lot on campus.

  • Mesa Student Services - get help remotely from counselors or services on campus.

  • Disabled Student Programs and Services (DSPS) - students needing accommodations (extended time, for example) are encouraged to contact a DSPS counselor by telephone 619-388-2780 or email

Other Help

It can be challenging to do your best in class if you have trouble meeting basic needs like safe shelter, sleep, and nutrition. If you have difficulty affording groceries or accessing sufficient food to eat every day, or lack a safe and stable place to live, I urge you to contact The Stand, Counseling, and/or me. We are here to help.