2020 Event

Startup High School New York 2020 Workshop - 3/21/20 - Cancelled

due to the CoronaVirus restrictions

Stay safe and healthy!

CEG UPDATE - 3/23/20

The Center for Economic Growth ("CEG") regrets to inform students and teachers that the May 21st 2020 NYS High School Business Model Competition at Siena College will be cancelled due to the restrictions caused by the coronavirus.

Business Model Workshop

Created by High School students for High School students who want to develop their entrepreneurial mindset

  • Teams of students work together to develop their business idea
  • Students develop and frame a business pitch around their individual business ideas
  • Attendees participate in workshop with guidance from professional entrepreneurs as mentors

Saturday March 21st, 2020

9:00am - 3:00pm

University at Albany

Massry Center - 2nd Floor Lounge

Free Event - Breakfast and Lunch Provided

To Register for the Startup High School, New York 2020 Business Model Workshop

Please complete the Registration Form for each individual on your team

Startup High School New York's Business Model Workshop on Saturday March 21, 2020 will help interested student teams prepare to compete at the Center for Economic Growth's Business Model Competition at Siena College on

Wednesday, May 21st, 2020 9:00am - 3:00pm.

Registration for CEG Business Model Competition