Basic Demographics

Questions We Ask Everyone

Basic demographics are questions we ask everyone in our study. These demographic questions are used to understand who is participating in our study so we can understand disparities and inequities that may exist for specific populations. Learn more about how we measure gender identity and race & ethnicity.

We ask about:


Self-reported age of participant (in years).  Birthdate is one of 18 HIPAA identifiers and is not used in anonymous data collection.

Race and Ethnicity

Phrasing for START's race and ethnicity questions, as well as rationale and definitions, can be found in the attached document.

Core resources:

In 2020, the Oregon legislature passed a law that requires health care providers to:


Gender Identity

Phrasing for START's gender identity questions, as well as rationale and definitions, can be found in the attached document.

Core resources and references:


References and Resources

Source: McGee, M.G. (2020). Race, ethnicity, language and disability (REALD) implementation guide. Portland, Oregon: Oregon Health Authority, Equity and Inclusion Division. (REALD site; link to survey instrument (English - PDF) and Implementation Guide PDF)