Project Timeline

The "STARS of Women" Project has the following timeline


Preparing project promotional materials, project website and FB page, Partnership Activity Agreements, DEOR plan, etc.


During this phase we will implement the following activities to reach the project’s objectives:

-Kick-Off meeting to divide tasks among partners, agree upon the upcoming activities,financial and administrative management of the project, sign the Partnership Activity Agreement with each partner with described rights, responsibilities and obligations, discuss any other important partnership questions.

- National Surveys in the partnering countries about women’s involvement in sport from historical perspective and present-day situation;(March-April 2021)

- Study visit in Egypt (May 2021) to explore the best practices of women’s inclusion in society through sport and other cultural activities.

-Sport events in all 5 partnering countries for the Move Week 2021 (May-June 2021) – every partner together with local stakeholders(sport clus, schools, other NGOs etc.) will organize a mass sport event in a public space aiming to involve as many women as possible.

-A Seminar “Stereotypes about women in sport” in Gdansk, Poland(July 2021) – the “Conrad” Sports Clubn will host the seminar

- Events around European Week of Sport and European Fitness Day 2021 –in September all the partners in cooperation with a local sports club will organize an inclusive sport event for the local community aiming to include as many women as possible.


The following activities will take place during this phase:

-Evaluation meeting with a final project conference in Limassol, Cyprus (October 2021) – the Cypriot partner will organize the final evaluation meeting with a final project conference on which they invite as many as possible local stakeholders- sport clubs representatives, local authorities, NGOs, schools etc. to which the partners will present the project outcomes inspiring more people to offer sport opportunities as ways to involve women and disadvantaged groups in their societies.

Partner project coordinators and managers will do a project evaluation meeting, planning the follow-up dissemination events in their countries and the future of their network.

- Dissemination of project results(November 2021) – After the evaluation meeting in October every partner will have to organize local dissemination events promoting the project outcomes, sharing the best practices learned with local stakeholders- sports clubs, schools, other local NGOs, local authorities etc.

- Project Reporting(December 2021) – all partners will have to prepare a narrative and financial report for the activities they have implemented as a partner to this project, send it in due time to the project coordinator to prepare the overall project report.