hen, a few months ago, people began to talk about CBD - one of the main components of cannabis - as the fashionable cosmetic ingredient, doubts appeared in conversations and search engines. If it had side effects or its legality were some of the questions that arose about this asset that more and more firms introduced in their formulations. The call at the advertising level was intrinsic to cannabidiol itself, as it is also known, but that Kim Kardashian, Emma Roberts or Gwyneth Paltrow, among other international celebrities who are experts in beauty, declared themselves users of cosmetics with CBD, turned these products into the most wanted. Now, the industry is trying to show that it is not just a well-marketed ingredient, but that this non-psychoactive part of hemp could be the next super ingredient to combat skin aging. This is what Elsa Navarro, Vice President of the Wellbeing Unit at Khiron Life Sciences Corp, tells us and is in charge of launching Kuida, a Colombian beauty firm based on the benefits of CBD that has just arrived in Spain.

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There have been many beauty houses -such as Rodial, Doctor Babor or Foreo- that have recently joined the CBD trend with new lines, but building a firm entirely from this asset is something that very few companies have taken up. daring. The French Ho Karan, who was born in 2015, was one of the pioneers in Europe, while the pharmaceutical company Khiron followed in her footsteps in Latin America when, in 2018, she created Kuida, the first cosmetic brand with cannabis in Colombia. And also the first to announce its benefits in Latin America.

"We were the first to put massive advertising on cannabis in Latin America, we put billboards in Colombia and commercials on television. And it was a shock," Elsa Navarro tells us, from Bogotá, about the beginnings of Kuida. "At the launch we were very nervous, globally cannabis has a lot of taboo and more here, in Colombia. A lot of re-education is needed, which is more difficult than educating because you have to expand the social and cultural concept, but we had very interesting moments", remember. Among those curious situations, it stands out that those who showed the most interest in their products were older ladies and not girls between 25 and 45 years old, the target whom, they believed, they were addressing.

"We realized that women over 60 were the ones who approached first. And many of them said" of course, I remember when we were little that we had a little plant at home and we used it for many things, "" we said. Explain. The reception was so good that, on the day of the launch, Crosmoprof (the most important international event for professional beauty) invited them to participate in its fair. It was the first time that a Colombian brand was there and that helped them to internationalize in record time that, less than two years later, has made them cross the pond to Spain to be distributed through the Douglas website. "We had many Spanish followers in networks and they asked us to sell our products here. Spanish and Colombian culture, in fashion and beauty, are becoming very close because we have a common Latin DNA."