What's happening

What's happening

*** There is a garden working party happening 11-12th September starting in the morning. All are welcome to come and join us. ***

The community group have applied for a small amount of funding to support development of the garden. We are discussing plans for access, planting, wildlife, growing food and family friendly spaces.

St Anne's new community garden sign

Work in action


The bird boxes are up courtesy of a local bird expert, in time for spring nesting... keep your eyes out for bird action around the boxes.

28.3.21 One whole nest has been built in one bird box and a half in another one...

Clearing up and planting

We have been down to do a litter pick and plant some primroses and do some winter pruning 07/02/21.

Another lovely day in St Annes community garden - clearing out, planting strawberries, making a den 2/4/21.

We have also done a call out for tools, plants, furniture etc and some great things have been donated.

More planting 26.4.21 :-)

More raised beds going in April 2021