
Suggested garden design by Alison Kenehan/Nurture Garden

Our vision is to create a welcoming new green space for the local community, which is freely accessible to all. The garden will provide opportunities for socialising, learning and most importantly, connecting with nature.

Community voices - garden vision

We have designed the garden as an interactive space for our visitors to enjoy – to help grow and harvest food to share, to explore the woodland play area and to observe and learn about the diverse range of flora and fauna that thrives there.

The garden will feature:

-Large raised beds for growing fruit and vegetables

-Wildlife-friendly trees, shrubs and flowers

-Seating areas for rest and relaxation

-A woodland play area

-A wildlife pond

-A wild area – solely for use by our visiting birds, mammals, minibeasts and insects

-A wide range of habitats for wildlife to breed, shelter, forage and feed

We want the local community to be involved in planning and building this exciting new green space. So if you’re interested, please get in touch!

On the one hand a place for wildlife to thrive and a contribution towards becoming a net-zero carbon society. On the other, a place where everyone feels welcome to rest, socialise and get inspired, and a food resource for those in need.