Autumn 2022

After two years we're starting CS309A again for 2022. Amusingly in our last class in 2019 our guest lecturers was Eric Yuan, CEO of Zoom.

Jami McKeon, Firm Chair of Morgan Lewis, one of the largest law firms in the world.

Sanjit Biswas , Founder and CEO of Samsara. Samsara is the success story in IoT application cloud software.

Francis deSouza, CEO of llumina, the leader in gene sequencing.

Alex Gorsky , Executive Chairman of Johnson & Johnson, and one of just seven leaders to have served in the dual role of Chairman and Chief Executive Officer since the company was listed on the New York Stock Exchange in 1944

Matt Cain CEO of Coucbase, a 2021 IPO success story

Raghu Raghuram , CEO of VMWare, one of the cornerstones of private cloud computing.

Sid Sijbrandij Co-founder, CEO and Chairman of Gitlab. If you develop software it's hard to not know what Gitlab is..