About Fundraisers

Emergency Response Humanitarian Aid

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Join Razom, Nova Ukraine, United Help Ukraine, Sunflower of Peace, Revived Soldiers Ukraine and Euromaidan-Warszawa to raise funds for Emergency Response.

We provide urgent help in the face of an extreme and unforeseen situation in Ukraine.

Your contribution will make an impact, whether it's $5 or $500. Every little bit helps.

100% of your donation goes directly to the cause.

Here are ways to donate besides Facebook:

Razom account at Bank of America:

Routing Number: 026009593

Account Number: 483086352865


Beneficiary: RAZOM INC.

140 Second Ave, Ste 305

New York, NY 10003

Razom Account at Capital One:

Routing Number: 065000090

Account Number: 7528775327


Thank you for Standing with Ukraine!

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The threats to Ukraine from Russian troops on occupied territories are escalating daily. The new invasion may start with bombing of large cities or by creeping occupation. As the Russian war and the damage to Ukrainian economy expand, we stand with Ukraine and help fellow Ukrainians face the adversity and persevere.

The goal of this fundraiser is to provide humanitarian aid for Ukraine and soften the impact of the crisis on the lives of ordinary people. Our volunteers and partners are ready for many possible developments and emerging challenges. We have experience delivering humanitarian relief. We can help vulnerable populations that must relocate. And in the case of a fully-diplomatic solution, we will support the restoration of civic society and normal life on territories most affected by the crisis.

Since 2014, Nova Ukraine have spent over $400,000 on humanitarian aid to Ukraine ranging from medical equipment for wounded soldiers to dresses and suits for graduation days in orphanages across Ukraine. You can find our financial reports on our website: novaukraine.org.

Here are ways to donate besides Facebook:

PayPal: send to donate@novaukraine.org

Crypto: https://commerce.coinbase.com/charges/P5KLD2F6

Join us to help Ukraine!