My journey from illness to health has been a long road down many rabbit holes and across many pages. What I have learned is that the science will set you free. The stress of who or what to believe is alleviated when you look to the evidence. There are so many amazingly brilliant clinicians who have made it their career focus to bring the evidence directly to the people who need and want to hear it. I have composed a list here of some of my favorite resources from hard-back to web based.


Eat to Live

Eat for Health

Eat for Life

The End of Dieting

How Not to Die

How Not to Diet

The China Study

Your Body in Balance


Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine

T Collin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies

Forks Over Knives

No Meat Athlete

Plant Based Docs

True Health Initiative


A Couple of Cooks Oh She Glows Shane and Simple Brownble

The Minimalist Baker Pick Up Limes Emilie Eats Chocolate-Covered Katie