Stacey L. Tokunaga’s 9-to-5 job requires her to meet with clients, ideate, and strategize marketing moves to expand their business reach. She has long found that she’s skilled in communication and marketing, and since then, has taken jobs that have to do with digital marketing and communications.

Blogging, photography, and film are just some of the things that Stacey L. Tokunaga is passionate about. She started a blog where she can share about my love for the marketing industry, her desire to learn more and develop further her passions, and to share her appreciation for food and travel.

During her free time, Stacey L. Tokunaga binges on police dramas, comedy shows, and classic films.

She also takes her dogs for a run around nearby nature parks and occasionally, goes on road trips with her closest friends. Music is also a huge part of Stacey’s life, and she enjoys pop, country, blues, and alternative rock.