Who We Are

Rev’d Karla Holmes has been the incumbent of St Thomas’ Church since Advent 2010. Before that, she was the Associate Priest at Christchurch Cathedral in Downtown Montreal. She was ordained Deacon in 2008 and priested in 2009. Before her time in ministry, Rev’d Karla taught English Second Language at Concordia University as well as CEGEP du Vieux Montreal.

Rev’d Karla has a keen interest in music and has sung with several Montreal choirs, most recently Musica Orbium. She loves to travel and has been to many different countries including Israel, India, Columbia, and Lithuania. The thing she finds most interesting in her travels is not so much what separates the peoples of the world as what brings them together. She also loves to read, especially science fiction.

Family is also important to Rev’d Karla. She enjoys close relationships with her three adult children, son Christopher, daughters Laurence and Natasha, their partners and (for now) one grandchild, Leo.

The Rev. Karla Holmes


Frederick A. Francis

Organist & Music Director

Eden Mancor

Children & Youth Coordinator

Jomo Baker


Kate Hortop

Administrative Assistant

The 2022 Vestry of St. Thomas'

Christine Gilsenan

People's Warden

Norm Starkey

Rector's Warden