Safe Environment

With the Church's endorsement of the mandatory reporting provisions of the Hawaii Revised Statutes Chapter 350 concerning child abuse, the "Policy on Allegations and Incidents of Sexual Misconduct" is promulgated by the Diocese of Honolulu

Under this promulgation, all parish employees who have ongoing, unsupervised contact with minors are required to complete background screening and safe environment training in accordance with the policies of the Diocese. Consistent with the Diocesan Policy, St. Elizabeth Catholic Church will conduct Safe Environment Training for children as part of the religious education curriculum. Parents meeting will be held before the class  is conducted to provide parents and guardians the opportunity to review the safe environment materials to be used. 

Consent for the participation of this program is required. Given this, a Parent Acknowledgment Form will be provided to you.

If you wish to have a copy of the handbook containing the policy of the Diocese ("To Offer Healing, To Restore Trust"), please see the Parish Secretary.

Online Training
catechists & Staff of RE/EDGE

All adults who have significant contact with minors are required to attend the Diocesan Safe Environment Initial Training class within sixty (60) days from the official start date of their assigned duties. 

 The Code of Conduct Agreement, as outlined in “To Offer Healing, To Restore Trust” Handbook, includes the following statement as a condition of providing services to the children and youth of our Diocese:

I will -

I will not -

I understand that as a person working with children and/or youth, I am subject to a background check to the full extent of Hawaii state law. I understand that any action inconsistent with this Code of Conduct or failure to take action mandated by this Code of Conduct may result in my removal from working with children and/or youth.