Student Arrival and Departure Procedures

Arrival and Departure

In the Early Years Section, we have members of staff who are present at the entrance doors each morning to welcome girls into school and walk them to their classrooms, should it be necessary. 

Doors open at 7:30 a.m. and close at 8:10 a.m.  If students arrive late, please check the "Lateness" section.

Below you can find entrance and departure times and door numbers for each grade in the Early Years section.

Car Pools

Car pools are groups of 3 or more girls who come to and leave school together and are picked up by different adults daily. All car pools must be officially registered with the section so that special ID cards authorising specific adults to pick up groups of children can be emitted. These are to be presented to school staff at the door in addition to the original Photo ID cards.

Adults coming in to collect car pools will enter the school through the doors and at times mentioned above but will exit the school via the door located at Santa Cruz 1144, next to the embassy.


Pick-Up Changes

Any changes in the exit arrangements of students must be made through the school App by clicking on the “Change in pick-up” icon. This option will be enabled every day. However, changes must be made before 11:00 a.m. After this time, this option will be disabled until after noon on the same day so changes can be processed.

The App allows you to program changes in pick-up for different dates should you wish to coordinate these in advance. Any last-minute changes in pick-up must be informed directly to Lita Muñoz via phone or email. 

Absences and Lateness

Unplanned Absences

Please follow the instructions outlined here if a student is absent or will be absent due to illness:

Planned absences

Send an email or letter indicating the dates of the proposed absence and explain in detail the reasons for the absence to the Head of Early Years.

It will then be determined if this absence is authorised or unauthorised, and you will receive a response notifying you of the decision via email from Lita Muñoz P. A. to the Head of Early Years

Authorised Absences include those taken for:

Any absence not requested in advance will be considered an unauthorised absence. In the case of an unauthorised absence in Reception and Grade 1, parents are responsible for ensuring that their daughters are up to date with class work. It is important to contact their teachers.

If the school is advised of a planned, authorised absence one week in advance, teachers will endeavour to provide some learning materials so that the students are not disadvantaged when they return to school. Be advised that no learning materials will truly compensate for the loss of learning incurred by an absence.

All absences are recorded on the school report.


Please follow the instructions if a student is late or will be late.

Nursery and Pre-School:

Reception and Grade 1

Going to the Section Office before going to their class, is a very important safety requirement in the event of an emergency evacuation. If your daughter has not registered, we will not know what to look for in the event of an emergency.

If a student is continually arriving late the Heads of Section will contact the family via email as a sign of concern. 

Emergency Procedures

The school follows clear emergency procedures at both premises. 

The school participates in a series of fire and earthquake drills each year, in accordance with Peruvian law and school policy. Parents should be familiar with the procedures at the beginning of the year.

To avoid unnecessary congestion, we would like to inform you about the procedure for collecting your daughter 1 in the event of an earthquake or any other emergency.

Early Years - telephones:

422 7344 (direct) / 241 3334 extension 2001, 2002, 2003


Lost School Resources

What happens if school resources are lost or damaged?

To make certain that school resources are maintained and preserved, we must ensure that all our resources (including reading and library books) are returned at the end of each year and are in a reusable condition. At times, school resources may be lost or damaged. If this is the case, you will receive a Notification of Missing School Resource, which will indicate that your daughter has been unable to locate a school resource and that this resource will need to be replaced if it cannot be located.

If you receive this Notification of Missing School Resources, we ask that you promptly follow the instructions for the resource to be located or replaced. 

If a resource has been lost and must be replaced, an invoice for the cost of purchasing and freighting the new resource will be sent to parents.

All replacement costs must be paid to the school by the last day of the bimester.