Personal and Academic Projects

My research interests are Motion Planning,  Computer Vision,  Reinforcement Learning and  Robot Software Development.  I like working on solving current issues with the knowledge that I have. Apart from the course-work and  research projects, I work on projects to solve social causes using Robotics.

Robot Software Development Projects

A Collaborative Pick and Place industrial application using ROS gear interface

VREP Project - Wheel Chair Mounted Robotic Arm

A fully ROS-based Autonomous vehicle from scratch

Elsa V2 - ROS-based Autonomous vehicle

Motion Planning Projects

Differential Drive Robot with A* Path Planner

Multi robot navigation in dynamic environments

Pick and Place Application using Baxter Arm

8 Puzzle Solver - Brute Force Search Algorithm to find a path

Deep Learning Projects at GAMMA

Forecasting Trajectory and Behavior of Road-Agents Using Spectral Clustering in Graph-LSTMs

Robot Air-Conditioner (RoCo) Projects at Daikin Energy Innovation Lab

**Below products are Patented and Proprietary. Details are not disclosed**

RoCo - Desktop Version 

RoCo - Full Version 

RoCo - Forklift Version

Computer Vision Projects

Visual Odometry

Lane Departure Warning System

Object Tracking

Augmented Reality objects on aruco markers

Traffic Sign Recognition

Machine Learning Projects

Dots and Boxes game using Reinforcement Learning

Cerebellar Model Articulation Controller (CMAC)

Line fitting using Least Squares and RANSAC

Controls Projects

Controller Design and Simulation of an Inverted Pendulum mounted to a cart system

Optimal Control for Electrical Connected and Automated Vehicles (eCAV's)