
Bioacoustics: the study of sounds made by living things

Sound: The pressure waves that move through compressible media (water, air, solid,  etc.) 

Two types of acoustics: vocal (by voice) and non-vocal (by movements)

Mammals use echolocation. What happens is mammals emit pulses of sound waves that travel through the water and bounce back, letting the mammal know how far an object is or what that object is.

Boats do a similar thing using SONAR, which stands for Sound Navigation and Ranging.

High-frequency acoustic recording package: allows scientists to collect data on different sounds, allowing them to discover what animals are in an  environment, what time they are there, and if there are  any invasive species; can sit on the ocean floor for up to a year

Southern Resident killer whales use echolocation to socialize, forage or hunt, find a  mate, navigate, etc.

Sound travels 4x faster in water than in air

SRKW have different sounds  based on their ecotype and pod

Noise pollution can temporarily or permanently lead to trouble hearing certain frequencies.