
About Me

I was born in India and I did my bachelor's in mathematics (Hons.) from the University of Delhi (2017). I'm currently a fifth-year graduate student at the University of Missouri-Columbia, advised by Dr. Hema Srinivasan. I do combinatorial algebra and read books (the only non-fiction I read is maths).  When I'm doing neither I'm playing badminton. 


spkdq@umsystem.edu (Work), 

sristisingh@gmail.com (Personal)


My current research is on numerical semigroups, and their higher dimensional generalisations, affine semigroups. Numerical semigroups have been of interest in number theory, analysis, geometry, group theory, and commutative algebra. I focus on studying semigroups through semigroup rings and combinatorics.

There are so many still unanswered questions on affine and projective semigroups in commutative algebra and algebraic geometry. There are also connections to combinatorics, number theory, and computer science that I wish to explore.

(Pictured left to right are my friendly furry family members Hoagie and Mauser.)


Room 13, Mathematical Sciences Building, 810 East Rollins St. Columbia MO 65211