MEMS Inertial Sensors

MEMS Gyroscope

  • Gyroscope is a part of inertial navigation system, for measuring the angular velocity of the rotating object.
  • It is used to maintain the orientation of an object in any specific direction.
  • MEMS gyroscope is a vibrating structure gyroscope based on Coriolis Effect.
  • MEMS gyroscope consists of a mass which is usually allowed to vibrate in an axis and the rotation is applied perpendicular to this vibrating axis. As result of Coriolis Effect, the mass will experience a displacement perpendicular to both the vibration and rotation.
  • This displacement after decoding gives the amount of rotation experienced.

MEMS Seismometer

  • Seismometers are instruments used to detect and quantify motions on the ground including those generated by quakes and volcano eruptions.
  • Seismometers operate on the principle of inertia – stationary objects remain stationary unless an external force is applied to them.
  • MEMS Seismometer is made using Silicon on Glass (SoG) architecture.
  • A proof mass is suspended by folded cantilever beams, with comb electrodes projecting out of the proof mass at right angles.
  • The cantilever beams are anchored to the outer casing at its four respective ends.
  • The proof mass with electrodes is movable and is designed to be sensitive to ground vibration in one direction.
  • Sensitivity in one direction is due to the rectangular cross-sectional shape of the suspension beam.
  • The low width of the beam compared to the length and thickness makes it more compliant in the sensing direction, and hence more sensitive to applied forces along that direction.