Essential Questions


Lección 5

1. How do people discuss and plan a vacation?

2. How do people talk about how they feel?

3. What are some popular vacation destinations in the Spanish-speaking world and why?

Lección 6

1. How do people talk about shopping and describe clothing?

2. How do people talk about events in the past?

3. What types of markets are common in the Spanish-speaking world and why?

Lección 7

1. How do people describe their daily routines?

2. How do people talk about what they and others like and don’t like?

3. Can you describe some special customs from the Spanish-speaking world?

Lección 8

1. How do people talk about what they eat at each meal?

2. How do people make comparisons about people, places, and things?

3. What are some common foods and dishes in the Spanish-speaking world?

Lección 9

1. How do people talk about celebrations?

2. How do people ask and answer questions about the past?

3. Can you describe some traditional celebrations in the Spanish-speaking world?