

Your Spanish class is going to use Duolingo at school. These are the instructions to your class!

If you are on a computer, go here:

http://duolingo.com/o/ (your class code)

If you are on a smartphone or tablet:

Download the Duolingo app and open it up.

Press Get Started. Then select Spanish.

Set your Daily Goal and continue (you can change this later).

Create a Profile:

On Android, press the menu icon at the top right corner and press Create a Profile.

On iOS, press Profile in the top left corner and press Create a Profile.

Type in your Name, Email and Password, then press Create.

Go to your Profile and press Progress Sharing.

Type in your Classroom Code.

Press Join Class.

Class Codes




  • Students need to complete 2 lessons of Duolingo each week. Their final score for Duolingo will be put in the Tuesday before the end of each quarter. Duolingo cannot be made up.

Quarter 1 - 140 XP or 14 lessons, Due October 14th

Quarter 2 - 160 XP or 16 lessons, Due December 16th

Quarter 3 - 180 XP or 18 lessons, Due March 9th

Quarter 4 - 180 XP or 18 lessons (No Duolingo during Spring Break), Due May 22nd