School of Quantum Physics:

Quantum Information, Quantum Computation, and Applications

Quynhon, 29 November - 05 December, 2020

Financial support

Limited financial support for students in waiving registration fee, accommodation and travel are available. Please be noticed that the resource is limited, and only request the support if you really need it.

Note that if you request for the support, please:

  • Send us an email to giving the reason and provide the details of the supports that you request (such as waiving registration fee, accommodation and travel and estimate of the travel cost.
  • Please ask one of your lecturers/supervisors to send us a Recommendation Letter directly to . Open recommendation letters (scanned and sent by you) are also accepted. In case you do not find a referee, you can also send us your current transcript.

You will be notified whether your request is supported/partially supported via email. If you have further question, don't hesitate to contact us.