I downloaded XAMPP about a month ago and it was working just fine. Today I installed a voice recognition software and then restarted my computer. Ever since, MySQL won't start in my manager-osx application. It doesn't throw me an in the application log. This is what it says:

check the err log on your /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/var/mysql/ with filename like your_machine_name.local.err, if you find something like: "Attempted to open a previously opened tablespace. Previous tablespace ... uses space ID"

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I monitored the running processes by running top in one terminal window. Then I killed mysqld via sudo killall mysqld (screw the PID ;-) ) in another and restarted via sudo /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/bin/mysql.server start.

There's been a lot of answer, but I think I found what is causing it, at least for me. It looks like if you put your computer to sleep (or it falls asleep on its own), when it reopens, it tries to open the the mysql process again. At one point I looked at my activity monitor and I had 5 instances running - killing all of them and then starting mysql works.

It can cause because of the software you installed or may be any other software which is using the same port 3306. This 3306 port is used by the Mysql in XAMPP. Similar kind of problem I faced for Apache. I was running skype and trying to run the XAMPP but the skype uses the same port as Apache so it was not working. Then I sign out from skype then the port was free and the apache started. So you should look for the software in you laptop which is blocking or making busy this port. Free that port by closing the software and then run XAMPP and It will work.

I encountered this problem just now. I checked log file and found it is caused by the server was not shutdown correctly. So I found this -to-recover-innodb-corruption-for-mysql/ and add a simple configuration "innodb_force_recovery = 1" in [mysqld] in my.cnf. Then the problem was solved.

All the answers stated above in relation to changing the port number are in this situation the best way to solve this problem since you need your voice recognition software to coexist with MAMP. However, you must remember that changing this port number is going to affect all you subsequent connections to MySQL (i.e, terminal,php code,phpmyadmin,etc). Hence It would be advisable to change the port on which the voice recognition software runs. Hope this was helpful.

This could be due to the fact that another instance of mysqd is already running in your mac-book-pro (MacOs-10). It's next to impossible to kill/pkill mysqld or ....I tried that route many times, with out any success. Finally the following worked for me :

It might be the possibility that your voice recognition software has a installer of mysql internally and when u installed this software, it has installed mysql too and added it to the service and this mysql service starts once your system starts. So now u r having two mysql servers (one from voice recognition software and second is from XAMPP) that's why killing the previous process (mysql service) solved your problem. But this is not a permanent solution, you have to repeat it every time when ever you start your machine. So better is to find out that mysql server (service) and change its port no. OR change settings so that mysql service should not start when your machine start (but might be your voice recognition software won't work properly)

You seem to have found a work-around by killing the process, but make sure you check for free space on your MySQL partition. If your logs or db files are consuming all your drive space, mysqld will not start.

Restarting the computer, or using the 'kill' commands listed above solve the problem. AS for preventing it from happening, I've found this occurring anytime my computer goes to sleep. The port is obviously kept reserved, and then on wake, mysql tries to reconnect to that port, but can't. This could be your problem also.

I am running XAMPP 5.6.3-0 for OS X Yosemite 10.10.2 and ran into the same issue twice, the first time was with Mavericks. With a bunch of different solutions to the issue with MySQL Database not starting using Manager App I wanted to confirm what had worked for me. The workaround that always worked and forced MySQL to start was by opening Terminal and using: sudo /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/bin/mysql.server start I had the Manager App open and started ProFTPD and Apache and then ran the sudo command.

The other problem I had that seems to be another issue with many solutions is the problem after everything is started then entering localhost which brings me to the xampp splash screen and then nothing. The only thing that worked for me, to at the very least, to access the phpMyAdmin page is by entering localhost/phpmyadmin

This installer includes the PostgreSQL server, pgAdmin; a graphical tool for managing and developingyour databases, and StackBuilder; a package manager that can be used to download and installadditional PostgreSQL tools and drivers. Stackbuilder includes management,integration, migration, replication, geospatial, connectors and other tools.

Postgres.app is a simple, native macOS app that runs in the menubar without the need of an installer. Open the app, and you have a PostgreSQL serverready and awaiting new connections. Close the app, and the server shuts down.

You can use Homebrew Formulae to search for PostgreSQL and other packages. To find a specific major version of PostgreSQL, search for postgresql@NN, where NN represents the major version. For example, postgresql@15.

We have exactly the same problem. Server 2022 in 2-node Failover Cluster.

We use Intel(R) Ethernet Converged Network Adapter X710 10 GB in SET mode dedicated only for Hyper-V and Intel(R) PLAN EM 1GB T OCP, two ports in Teaming for only Cluster network. There is also an additional error with Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-IoTrace/Diagnostic when opening the event viewer - administrative events see picture.

At the beginning, we didn't have any problems, but when testing live migration of virtual machines and higher network load, one of our nodes crashed and after that, errors occurred, but everything is still working properly now for several month.

By changing the registry the errors can be removed but I don't know if that's the right way?

You should compare the above to other entries. Looking at the Isolation and Type of other entries, this should not even show up in the event log. You must edit the key's name and ensure that it disappears from the event log. Then, try changing the name back and check if gone or persists.

Lastly, refresh the Server Manager and check if it became green, but if you see red, then back up the key and delete it. Thus, with the key gone, the server manager also refreshes without any error, and all of my manageability icons will get green without giving any error.

@Martinik Did you solved this problem? I have the same error on Windows Server 2022. I don't want to change the register HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WINEVT\Channels\Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-IoTrace/Diagnostic.

Unfortunately, performing WMI repository autorecover did not help me and the error still appears in the server manager and in the event viewer when opening Administrative Events. I returned the reg key with the enabled option and reset the server. I did the procedure according to the instructions, but unfortunately the error still occurs. I also tried to reset the server after the procedure, but it didn't help.

Has anyone come up with a DURABLE solution to this? One that survives more than one reboot? I tried the MOF rebuild, I tried removing the event log registry key, which worked on reboot to not register the log, but the registry key got set back every time on reboot, which turned out was from AutoLogger, which I removed with Powershell commands, but I can get it turned off for the next reboot, but the one after that will re-enable all of it again.

The REG_DWORD 'Enabled' is still deleted from the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WINEVT\Channels\Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-IoTrace/Diagnostic on both cluster nodes and I haven't found any other solution except deleting REG_DWORD 'Enabled'

In this article, I am going to discuss different ways in which you can install and setup Postgres Database on a Mac. Postgres is an open-source relational database system that can be used to develop a wide variety of data-based applications. Postgres has been popular for analytical workloads as well since it has support for column-store index and in-memory storage as well. Postgres is also available on all the major public cloud services like AWS, Azure, and GCP. In order to use those services, it is recommended that you should also have them installed on your local machine before deploying your databases to the cloud directly.

Now that we have some idea about what a Postgres Database is all about, let us now go ahead and try to install it on our local machine. There are various ways in which you can install Postgres on your machine. You can either install it using the command line package manager Homebrew or you can also visit the official website and get the latest downloaded-able file and start your installation. Personally, I believe installing the Postgres database using the command-line package manager Homebrew is much easier and clean as it automatically manages the external dependencies that we need to have in order to install Postgres on our machine.

Let us now proceed and check if we have Homebrew installed on our MacOS. Homebrew is an open-source package management solution on MacOS and Linux. It was first released in May 2009 and since then has been under development. The latest release is in November 2020. You can read more about Homebrew from the official website. You can use Homebrew not only to install Postgres but also any other tools from a large library of applications already available. 152ee80cbc

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