SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) is a set of development tooling for building SQL Server databases, Azure SQL databases, Analysis Services (AS) data models, Integration Services (IS) packages, and Reporting Services (RS) reports. With SSDT, you can design and deploy SQL objects with the same project concept as other application development tools. The SQL projects capability extends to CI/CD pipelines, enabling you to automate the build and deployment of your database projects with the SqlPackage CLI.

The core of SQL Server Data Tools functionality is available as a workload component with Visual Studio, which enables developing databases. Additional functionality for developing AS, IS, and RS projects is available as Visual Studio extensions for installation in addition to the SSDT workload. The Visual Studio extensions are available from the Visual Studio Marketplace and more information on installing SSDT can be found in Download SQL Server Data Tools.

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SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) transforms database development by introducing a ubiquitous, declarative model (SQL database projects) that spans all the phases of database development inside Visual Studio. You can use SSDT Transact-SQL design capabilities to build, debug, maintain, and refactor databases. You can work with a database project or directly connect to a database instance on or off-premises.

Developers can use familiar Visual Studio tools for database development. Tools such as: code navigation, IntelliSense, language support that parallels what is available for C# and Visual Basic, platform-specific validation, debugging, and declarative editing in the Transact-SQL editor. SSDT also provides a visual Table Designer for creating and editing tables in either database projects or connected database instances. While you are working on your database projects in a team-based environment, you can use version control for all the files. When it's time to publish your project, you can publish to all supported SQL platforms; including SQL Database and SQL Server. SSDT platform validation capability ensures that your scripts work on the target you specify.

The SQL Server Object Explorer in Visual Studio offers a view of your database objects similar to SQL Server Management Studio. SQL Server Object Explorer allows you to do light-duty database administration and design work. You can easily create, edit, rename and delete tables, stored procedures, types, and functions. You can also edit table data, compare schemas, or execute queries by using contextual menus right from the SQL Server Object Explorer.

The following topics and sections discuss how SSDT can help you do database development. How To topics are included to help guide you through completing tasks for your database project. These tasks, written like a tutorial and completed in order, use Northwind Traders, a fictitious company that imports and exports specialty foods.

There's no SSDT standalone installer for Visual Studio. SSDT is installed as a Visual Studio component, both for online installation and offline installation. Analysis Services, Integration Services, and Reporting Services projects are available as separate extensions for each version.

For Analysis Services, Integration Services, or Reporting Services projects, you can install the appropriate extensions from within Visual Studio with Extensions > Manage Extensions or from the Marketplace.

To understand the license terms and use cases for Visual Studio, refer to Visual Studio License Directory. For example, if you are using the Community Edition of Visual Studio for SQL Server Data Tools, review the EULA for that specific edition of Visual Studio in the Visual Studio License Directory.

If Visual Studio 2019 is already installed, you can edit the list of workloads to include SSDT. If you don't have Visual Studio 2019 installed, then you can download and install Visual Studio 2019 Community.

I have installed SQL server 2012. During installation process, I have selected SSIS, SSRS and SSAS. But after installation I could see SQL server management studio but not SQL server data tool for ETL work.

Coming out of a project using Linq2Sql, I suspect that the next (bigger) one might push me into the arms of Entity Framework. I've done some reading-up on the subject, but what I haven't managed to find is a coherent story about how SQL Server Data Tools and Entity Framework should/could/might be used together.

Automatic schema updates. This is absolutely not what I want as it totally violates the fundamentals of database maintenance. Problems are: (a) someone running a newer version updates the database instead of getting an issue and (b) updates are scheduled with the dba normally taking a backup FIRST. So, automatic updates are useless.

Db creation only works on basically degenerate edge cases. Do not even try to use advanced database features - regardless which one. Sql server example: included fields in indices, filters on indices, partitioning, compression, validation rules for fields.

Migration - assumes degenerate edge cases again: no data transformation or multi step update easily. Example: Table X has a historical "user" field that records the user does something. New setup has a User table, so one needs to create the user table, then create the users, then create the user reference field in table x, then update this with the user it's from the user table, then delete the user field.

Now, SSDT - that is a great tool for versioning a specific database version much better than Entity Framework because it actually - works. As in: it records all features. On none of the databases I have I pretty much could use code first - because we always have filtered indices at least ;) EF would not even get me to 10% of what I need.

Design database in the database, then sync down to a SSDT module that gets checked in. Schema sync allow developers to update their version fast. There is always an authoritative master database with the current version somewhere (on a special server) so we have a reference version to work against.

EF will not necessarily do all of the work for you. EF will get you about 80 to 95 percent there. The other 5 to 20 percent of your database development effort will be supplemented with optimizations like Views and Stored Procedures.

So no, they are not orthogonal. But you'll have to decide what your overall design strategy will be, and then rely on tools like SSDT to help you optimize those parts where EF produces less than ideal results.

A client tool is required for any SQL Server DBA, Developer, or end-user to connect to SQL Server and utilize its functionalities. This is where SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) helps you. You can leverage SSDT to create database projects in Visual Studio.

Read this article to know more about Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools and their amazing features. You will also understand the need for SSDT. In addition, you will understand the detailed steps to set up SQL Server Data Tools to make your workflows easy.

Microsoft SQL Server is a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) used in corporate IT operations to serve a wide range of applications, including Transaction Processing, Business Intelligence, and Analytics. SQL Server, as the name implies, is built on top of SQL, a database management and search language used by database administrators and IT professionals.

Intelligent query processing changes have been added into SQL Server to improve the query optimizer output and make it more efficient. It supports SQL Server Management Studio, Database Tuning Advisor, SQL Server Profiler, and Business Intelligence tools, among others. It provides online help and support 24/7. SQL Server offers enterprise-level security and support, making it a popular choice among businesses with stringent compliance needs.

SSDT now includes a single environment hosted in Visual Studio, as well as database tools tailored to the development process. As a result, you can now design and construct databases without switching back and forth between Visual Studio and other tools. The tool allows you to concentrate on the design while it takes care of developing the necessary change scripts to securely apply your design to a real-world database.

The SQL Server project makes it possible to create a SQL Server database in an integrated environment that includes typical Visual Studio capabilities like code navigation, validation and debugging that developers are used to. You will leverage the SQL Server project to create and maintain a SQL Server database. To make a new project, follow the steps below:

Note: Comparisons can be saved as part of a SQL Server Database project or as a separate file. You can also modify the scope of the comparison and characteristics of the update via the options provided. The comparison can then be saved so that you can quickly repeat it or use it as a starting point for a new comparison. To understand how you can update your schema refer to the Update Schema documentation.

To publish a project, right-click it in the Solution Explorer and choose to Publish; then fill in the fields as shown below. A script can be published and/or generated. To specify the destination database, click the Edit button. 152ee80cbc

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