

Medicines Management.

Anti-Doping & Drugs in Sport Education

We create and deliver bespoke online and face-to-face education and training on anti-doping, medicines management in sport, and sports pharmacy. We also produce content and provide editorial support for athlete and athlete support personnel literature covering medical care and doping prevention.

Audiences and organisations have included International and National Anti-Doping Organisations, healthcare professionals, event organising committees, team physicians, athletes, and schools.

Medicines Management for Teams & Events

We specialise in designing medicines management systems and policies for sporting teams, event organisers, and medical response providers.

Services range from audit of existing processes, to design and implementation of bespoke systems of safe and legal medicines management.

Medicines Formularies for Events

We can create medicines formularies for major events, sport clubs and teams, covering the requirements of sports medicine, emergency medicine, field-of-play and mass public gatherings.

Expert Advisors

Mark Stuart, BPharm, FFRPS, FRPharmS

Professor David Mottram, BPharm, PhD, FRPharmS

Please contact us to discuss your requirements.