week 1 (2/18 update)

We have submitted the project proposal and ordered our parts for the project.

WEEk 2 (2/25 UPDATE)

We have successfully interfaced our LiDAR sensor with our Nucleo board to measure distances. This was done using the built in API Library provided by the VL53L1X documentation. Although the library provided necessary files, we still implemented the I2C communications (using PB8 for SCL and PB9 for SDA) and the main file logic by ourselves. Additionally, we have soldered pins onto the LiDAR sensor to make connections easier. We also tested conditionals for the vibration motor and figured out how to make it vibrate when there is an object within a certain distance of the sensor using GPIO PA1, which we eventually plan to use as an interrupt.

Week 3 (3/4 Update)

We've finished all the programming which includes: interfacing all three LiDAR sensors with I2C, sending a PWM signal to the respective vibration motors based on the distance, and generating an interrupt which changes the distance threshold based on the number of button presses. The system also works via Bluetooth communicating with UART and on an external battery supply. All that is left to do is to construct the mask with these components.

Week 4 (3/11 Update)

We've completed the mask construction and filming the demo video. IV's friendliest neighbor is here.