My issues were correct words being marked as misspelled and few correct suggestions for other misspelled words. But reading your post helped point me in the right direction, and maybe it could resolve your issue as well.

I went to C:\Users\\appdata\roaming\Microsoft\teams\dictionaries as you mentioned and hoped there was a way to get a better dictionary file. All research said no way to update what comes with Teams. But when I tried to find more about *.bdic files in general I discovered that it is the format created by google for the chrome browser. Since deleting the old one does not harm Teams because it can just regenerate a new one, I figured what harm could it do to use my chrome one. Copied the chrome one into the teams folder and renamed it to the Teams name and voila! My misspelled words now have correct suggestions and my correctly spelled words are showing as correctly spelled. path to other dictioanry file is: C:\Users\\appdata\roaming\chrome\data\ (look for the *.bdic file)

Not the same thing as you, I know, but I thought it could be related or help anyone else who lands here in their search for spell check problems.

@AndrewClark thanks for the inputs. I had exactly the same issue as you have described in your post. Instead of copying chrome's dictionary *.bdic file, what I did was, just took a backup of these files (for some reasons I had 2 files) and deleted them from C:\Users\{your user}\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Teams\Dictionaries.

Spellcheckerservice Dictionary Download Failure


Whether there is a dictionary file or not seems to make no difference. If you completely uninstall and reinstall Teams, it does not even create a Dictionary folder and yet, spell check works. Then it mysteriously stops working. Also, if you reinstall Teams, the spell check works but if you reboot your computer, it stops working. Even if you delete the entire %AppData%\Microsoft\Teams folder and restart Teams, spell check still doesn't work.

FlorisBoard is able to perform spell checking of input text on a system level with the help of Nuspell. For this, FlorisBoard registers a spell checker service, which receives requests from the Android framework to check the spelling of given words and sentences. These words are passed along to Nuspell, which, when loaded with a Hunspell dictionary, is able to check the spelling for a given word and possibly try to generate correction suggestions. As this feature is pretty complex and may not work on first try, this wiki FAQ tries to summarize the most frequently asked questions and answers.

FlorisBoard does not ship with any spell check dictionaries out-of-the-box, but it is easy to import some from pre-existing sources. Click on Manage spell checker dictionaries, which will take you to the dictionary management screen. There, click on "Where do I get spell checker dictionaries?" to get a list of well-known and supported import sources. Go to one of those sites listed, download either the affix and dictionary file or the extension archive. If you cannot find a matching dictionary for your desired dialect/language, you can also manually search Google for "Hunspell dictionaries " and see if any .aff/.dic files are available.

Back in FlorisBoard, click on the plus button, then select the source you chose, import the files and finally click on "Import". After the import, it should appear in the list of dictionaries. When you are now writing in text fields of apps, FlorisBoard searches for a dictionary with a matching locale, loads this dictionary and then queries the written words.

We have included a feature where you can tag words that have been marked as being spelled incorrect or grammatically wrong by our system, but are nevertheless correct (e.g. names). If you have registered with us, this will allow you to mark these words and add them to your own personal dictionary. We will use this information for your further checks.

Furthermore, if you click on a word, we provide a dictionary entry with several possible meanings of said word.

I accidentally added two misspelled words to my Teams dictionary because I was moving too fast and thought it was providing the correct spelling of each word when I right-clicked. Is there a way to remove the incorrect spelling from the dictionary?

You can add additional dictionaries to the website. You can download dictionary file sources, for example, from OpenOffice Extensions or Mozilla Language Tools. Language packages from these sources are not specifically designed for Spellchecker but can be extracted and used.

As this was a spellcheck issue, I did a bit of digging around on a system with Teams installed and found out the location of the dictionary files. Testing in a different environment showed that if the files are missing, then Teams downloads a new version when it is next launched.

Right then, my next course of action was a clean build connected to the environment that had the issue. The reports that came back from this showed that the dictionary file was not downloading when going through the proxy servers. If you bypassed the proxy or connected via other means to the Internet then the dictionary file downloaded successfully.

To proceed, we deleted the dictionary file on an affected system and then got a Fiddler trace with HTTPS decryption enabled and we can see this for ourselves. In the trace, you have connections to and also to a specific bdic file:

Right, we now know why the dictionary is not downloading, it is on a server owned by Google that we were blocking in this environment. As Teams is an Office 365 application, I revisited the O365 URLs and IP address ranges article and went through it with a fine tooth comb looking for any reference to this specific domain, there was nothing.

We received the following recommendations: 

The bug: all words are being underlined in Teams as if they are spelled incorrectly. When users right-click the word, Teams crashes. 

The reason: the platform that MS Teams is written on uses a dictionary from Google. You block all Google servers therefore the dictionary becomes corrupted.

The proposed solution(s):

One topic I'll be ignoring is how to create and edit the data files used by the linguistic services. For that task, you should have a look at PTG (Proofing Tool GUI) developed by Marco Pinto at It's an open source tool for editing Office's dictionary, thesaurus, hyphenation, and autocorrect files.

If a dictionary has a locale, such as "GB" for en-GB.dic, then it's only utilized during spell checking if its locale matches Office's. The Office locale can be set via the Tools, Options, Language Settings, "Languages" dialog shown in Figure 1.

It retrieves a conventional dictionary list first (called dictList), and iterates through its dictionaries using printDictsInfo(). Then it obtains the conversion dictionary list (called csList), and iterates over that with printConDictsInfo().

Each dictionary in the list has an XDictionary interface which contains methods for accessing and changing its entries. printDictsInfo() retrieves an XDictionary array from the list, and prints out a summary of each dictionary:

Conversion dictionaries map words in one language/dialect to corresponding words in another language/dialect. 3 shows that conversion dictionaries are organized in a similar way to ordinary ones. The interfaces for manipulating a conversion dictionary are XConversionDictionary and XConversionPropertyType.

The URL of the page in Figure 5 is: -center?getCategories=Dictionary The dictionary category currently has 94 entries, but if you can't find what you're looking for, don't forget the extensions for OpenOffice, at: If you're unclear about how to install extensions, the process is explained online at _extension, or in the "Installing Extensions" guide available at -help/documentation.

The spell checker is available in all supported languages, and you can even configure Microsoft Edge to check misspelled words in multiple languages. Also, there's a dictionary, which you can customize to prevent the browser from marking certain words as incorrect.

The RichEdit npm package includes a webpack configuration file that allows you to compile the nspell library and required dictionaries into a package bundle. The English dictionary is included by default. e24fc04721

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