More about our PEKO

When a community of experienced teachers share their knowledge - Oh, the places we’ll go!

Introduced by PESTA in 2022 to harness the strengths and expertise of the PE fraternity, the Physical Education Knowledgeable Others (PEKO) consists of a group of PE teachers, each identified with an area of expertise, to enhance teachers’ professional learning experiences. Since its inception, 58 PEKO have been nominated - 19 new additions to the PEKO family this year!


In this feature, we are proud to share some good works of PEKO and their reflection on sharing their good practices with others. Here are two PEKO who have been engaged by schools / PESTA to share their insightful knowledge.

Mohamed Osman

Senior Teacher (PE), St. Andrew’s Secondary School


It happened after a football staff match between my school and Oasis Primary School when we were chilling out. One of the teachers (Hamzah) sought my advice on the training and development of his newly formed Girls’ team in his school.  I was happy to share my training resources and  coaching experiences with him, especially in the area of starting a new CCA.  We kept in touch as we are MOE teammates and often exchanged ideas on how to strengthen our school teams.  I am heartened to be able to assist Hamzah in his journey in developing his team in Oasis Primary School. There is a great sense of comradeship in this journey of caring and sharing and its really rewarding to see the beginning of something beautiful for the students.

Barry Chin 

Woodlands Primary School


Gymnastics  - Associate Trainer for PESTA’s Gymnastics Refresher Workshop: Mount, Dismount and Vaulting 

As an Associate Trainer for a PESTA workshop, my learning experience was unique. My collaboration with PESTA’s Officers, Karen and Amber, has given me valuable insights on how to facilitate an effective teacher workshop. It was both humbling and rewarding to share with and learn from them, ultimately empowering participants to confidently teach gymnastics in schools. Creating a supportive environment where individuals felt encouraged to challenge themselves was particularly satisfying. Overall, this experience reinforced the significance of passion, dedication, and communal teaching in PE. I am indeed honored and privileged to be able to contribute to the professional development of our PE fraternity.


Senior Teacher (PE), Maha Bodhi School

Nonlinear Pedagogy 

Why do you want to be a PEKO?

As a PE teacher, I am deeply grateful for the support system that has enriched my teaching journey, enabling me to continually enhance my effectiveness in the classroom. As a member of the PE fraternity, I am committed to paying this support forward as a PEKO.

What are your aspiration(s) as a PEKO?

As a PEKO, I intend to provide the same support and guidance to the best of my abilities. I am certain that through this journey, we will all be able to grow together and further elevate the standards of teaching and learning within our PE community.


PE Teacher , St Anthony’s Canossian Secondary School 

Handball (Coaching)

Why do you want to be a PEKO?

Team Handball is a popular sport in higher education institutions but not widely taught in primary and secondary schools. I hope to use my experiences as a player and teacher coach to help introduce the sport into the PE curriculum or even to start an interest group! 

What are your aspiration(s) as a PEKO?

I hope to empower teachers with the skills and resources needed to introduce handball effectively in schools, fostering teamwork, physical activity, and a love for the sport among students.


Senior Teacher (PE), Compassvale Primary School

Netball (Coaching)

Why do you want to be a PEKO?

I have agreed to take this up because I feel that it is one of the ways to contribute to the fraternity.  I have been coaching Netball as a teacher coach and as TM for the past 26 years and I feel I have at least some small little things to share or give advice to teachers who seek help in Netball.  I just do my part in areas where I can to alleviate some agonies or challenges that teachers may face when given Netball as their CCAs.

What are your aspiration(s) as a PEKO?

Hmm....this is my first time as a PEKO.  Still not sure of what it is like to be one though...but I am willing to try.  I aspire to be like Shahizan, LT from Damai.  He has a lot of things to offer and he is a super coach for floorball, producing amazing floorballers under his wings.  I want to be like him, to aspire others to do their best, be it students or teachers, in whatever tasks that are given to them.  Give it a try cause you never know what is in store for you!


PE Teacher , Riverside Secondary School 


Why cdo you want to be a PEKO?

I get excited about sports because it has been my constant source of joy and learning since a young age. I am blessed to be given many opportunities to test myself in various facets of competitive sport and therefore, I feel the natural need to contribute back by helping to build a sporting culture in my immediate environment. By being a PEKO, I am given a chance to influence more people outside my usual circle to discover the joys in participating in sports. Till date, it is a joy to be able to observe the young (and even the old) playing sport earnestly. I would like to continue to play a part in building that culture. 

What are your aspiration(s) as a PEKO?

As of now, as a new contributor, I'm still quite a greenhorn in maximizing my methods to share my knowledge. I want to continue to watch and learn so that I can be effective in creating impact in my sharings/workshops/conversations I create in future.


Year Head/Upper Secondary, Northbrooks Secondary School

Outdoor Education, Coaching (Athletics)

Why do you want to be a PEKO?

I am thankful to be given the opportunity to support the PE fraternity as a PEKO (PE Knowledgeable Others). Growing up, I was inspired by own my PE teachers who gave me countless opportunities to embrace sports and taught me important values, like confidence, discipline and resilience, through Physical Education (PE) lessons, CCA, and beyond. In the spirit of ‘passing it on’, being a PEKO would allow me to impact and support the greater PE community by sharing my own personal experiences and challenges. Personally, I have significantly benefitted from countless PD opportunities and wise sharing by experienced educators, and I look forward to continuing this spirit of caring for and sharing with others.

What are your aspiration(s) as a PEKO?

As a PEKO, I hope my nuggets of teaching and leadership ‘wisdom’ will support young(er) educators in their teaching journey as we collectively work towards engaging and motivating our students to find joy in PE, sports, and games. In addition to learning from self and others, I think learning with others is as important as we come together as a community to learn and work together to bring the teaching and learning of Physical Education to greater heights. I look forward to learning from and collaborating with others to develop myself as an educator as we work together to mould minds and develop character in all our students. Kudos to the many brilliant educators out there working tirelessly behind-the-scenes inspiring teachers like me.

Please visit PESTA website to find out more about the PEKO, and how you can engage them for your school’s professional learning in PE.  Stay tuned for more PEKOs to be featured in the next newsletter.

Previous coverage on PEKO can be found at here and here. For more details on PEKO, check out their webpage


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