Editor's Note

Welcome to another edition of the newsletter. I am continuously inspired by the diverse contributions of our colleagues, showcasing the dedication and impact of PE teachers across Singapore. This issue highlights the exceptional efforts of educators who continually enrich their students' PE and sports experiences. Alongside our regular features, we spotlight PE teachers who have made significant contributions to both education and sports, including, for the first time, a feature on a PE teacher in Special Education (SPED) schools. Additionally, we have insightful contributions from PESTA and school colleagues covering topics such as assessment literacy, affective learning, differentiated instruction, curriculum development, and outdoor adventure learning, enriching our professional development scene. 

The conclusion of the SPEA AGM provided an opportunity to reflect on some of the key developments happening in SPEA. For the newsletter,  some key initiatives include making our content more accessible and engaging by adopting a blog-style format and data analytics to track readership, enhancing the quality of our content. We've also streamlined processes to encourage contributions from the PE community, ensuring a wealth of insights and innovations are shared and raising the standards of our newsletter. 

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the SPEA Publication Committee. I appreciate the dedication of Mr Shufi, Mr Brian Lui, and Mr Andy, particularly Brian Lui and Andy, for their decade-long commitment to the PE fraternity under SPEA. We invite passionate PE educators interested in contributing to our sub-committee for publication and publicity. 

As I embark on another term of service to the PE community, I am excited about our shared mission to raise the quality of PE experiences in school. Over the next two years, we are committed to delivering high-quality content, but we rely on your contributions and insights to achieve this goal. Together, let's cultivate a vibrant PE community that is dynamic, forward-thinking, and future-ready. 

Should you wish to contribute or learn more about our initiatives, don't hesitate to get in touch with me at ho_j_yen_louis@moe.edu.sg. Thank you for your continued support and dedication to the field of Physical Education.

Yours In Service

Louis Ho

Editor, SPEA Newsletter

Vice President (Publicity and Publication) 

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