"We offer noble metal nanoparticles characterized by their exceptional complexity and superior quality."

-Celebration : Happy birthday Jaehwan~★

-Celebration : Happy birthday Kyuvin~★

-Research Update : The paper co-authored by Sungwoo, "Rapid and differential diagnosis of sepsis stages using an advanced 3D plasmonic bimetallic alloy nanoarchitecture-based SERS biosensor combined with machine learning for multiple analyte identification", was accepted in Advanced Science. Congratulations!

-Celebration : Inyoung and Seohyeon won the Excellent Assistant Prize! Congratulations!!

-Notification : We updated our group photo :)

-Research Update : Soohyun and Seohyeon's paper, "Morphological Nanoalloying Strategy: Assembling Shape-Distinct Building Blocks for Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Detection of Gaseous Molecules", was submitted.

-Research Update : Sungwoo's paper, "Hot Nanogap Networks-in-Triangular Nanoframes: New Strategy Positioning Adsorbates Nearby Hot Spots" was accepted in Small. Congratulations!

-Welcoming : Jaehwan and Jeongeun joined as new group members! Welcome!!


-Notification : We updated our group photo :)

-Celebration : Thanks to our professor's support, we enjoyed a delicious Chinese meal in "Daeryudo"~★

-Celebration : Happy birthday Yujin~★

-Notification : Renewal of our webpage !
1. We updated scanning electron microscopy images of nanoparticles in main page.
2. To introduce our research focus, we divided our research projects into four main directions: Synthesis of complex nanoparticles, Self-assembly of nanoparticles, SERS-based biosensing, and SERS-based gaseous chemical detection.
3. New members were added to the "Members" page.
4. The group calendar was updated to include schedules for lab meetings and individual meetings.

-Research Update : Sungbeen's paper, "Au–Ag Controllable Composition Nanoalloying of Hexagonal Nanoplates: Heterogeneous Interfacial Nanogap Enhances Near-Field Focusing", was submitted.

-Celebration : Happy birthday Sungbeen~★

-Welcoming : Dain, Hyobin, and Yerim recently joined the group as new members! Welcome!!

-Research Update : Sunwoo and Hyunji's paper, "Gold Tetrahedral Nanoframes with Mono-Rim or Dual-Rim Morphologies: Zigzag Packing Patterns Maximize Hot-Spot Regions and Near-Field Focusing for SERS Applications" was accepted in Small. Congratulations!

-Research Update : The paper co-authored by Soohyun, "Biological Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics via Self-Aligned Nanoring Doublets: QED-SANDs", was accepted in Journal of the American Chemical Society. Congratulations!

-Happy birthday sunwoo~★

-Supported by Sungwoo and Soohyun, we went to eat Lamb~

-Happy birthday sungwoo~★

- Soohyun's paper entitled, "Two- and Three-Dimensional Ag-Au Nanoalloying: Heterogeneous Building Blocks Enhancing Near-Field Focusing", has been just accepted in ACS Nano, 2024. Congratulations!

-Sunwoo's paper entitled, "Gold Tetrahedral Nanoframes with Mono-Rim or Dual-Rim Morphologies: Zigzag Packing Patterns Maximize Hot-Spot Regions and Near-Field Focusing for SERS Applications", submitted

-MohammadNavid Haddadnezhad's paper entitled, "Plasmonic Nanogap-Enhanced Tunable Three-Dimensional Nanoframes in Application to Clinical Diagnosis of Alzheimer Disease" has been just accepted in ACS Sensors, 2024. Congratulations!

-Happy birthday hyejin~★

-Sungwoo's paper entitled, "Plasmonic Nanotrenches with 1 nm Nanogaps for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering-Based Screening of His-Tagged Proteins" has been just accepted in Nano Letters, 2024. Congratulations!

-Our new Scanning Electron Microscope instrument has arrived!

- Happy birthday Hyunji and Seohyun~★

-Sungwoo's paper entitled, "Hot Nanogap Networks-in-Triangular Nanoframes: New Strategy Positioning Adsorbates Nearby Hot Spots" , submitted

-Jeongwon's paper entitled, "Ensemble of Hot-Spots: Tip-to-Tip Chessboard-patterned Assembly Super-Powder of Gold Octahedral Nanoparticles via Lightning Rod Effect for Near-Field Focusing" , submitted

-Jeongwon's paper entitled, "Proximal high-index metamaterials based on a superlattice of gold nanohexagons targeting the near-infrared band"  has been just accepted in Advanced Materials, 2024. Congratulations!

- Happy birthday Qiang, Soohyun, Ilran and Professor~★

- Hyejin, Ilran and sehyeon joined as a new group member! Welcome!!

- We attended the Nano Seminar in Paju~★

- Updated our group photo :)

- Soohyun's paper entitled, "Two- and Three-Dimensional Ag-Au Nanoalloying: Heterogeneous Building Blocks Enhancing Near-Field Focusing", submitted

- Sungwoo's paper entitled, "Plasmonic Nanotrenches with 1 nm Nanogaps for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering-Based Screening of His-Tagged Proteins", submitted

- Navid's paper entitled, "Plasmonic Nanogap-Enhanced Tunable Three-Dimensional Nanoframes in Application to Clinical Diagnosis of Alzheimer Disease", submitted

- Sehyun joined as a new group member! Welcome!!

- Jeongwon's paper entitled, "Proximal high-index metamaterials based on a superlattice of gold nanohexagons targeting the near-infrared band" , submitted

- We played the escape room game and shooting game in Sinchon! 

- Sungwoo's paper entitled, "Plasmonic Nanoantenna: Enhanced Near-Field Collection with Branched Gold Dual-rim Nanorings" has been just accepted in Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2024. Congratulations!

- Happy birthday Inyoung~★

- Kyuvin joined as a new group member! Welcome!!

- Updated our group photo :)

-Sungwoo's paper entitled, "Plasmonic Annular Nanotrenches with 1-nm Nanogaps for Detection of SARS-CoV-2 using SERS-based Immunoassay"  has been just accepted in Nano Letters, 2024. Congratulations!

- Navid's paper entitled, "Ready-to-Use Free-Standing Super Powder Made with Complex Nanoparticles for SERS", has been

just accepted in Advanced Materials, 2024. Congratulations!

- Supported by our Professor, we went to eat hamburgers~♥

- Supported by our Professor, we went to eat hot pot~♥.

- Sungbin joined as a new group member! Welcome!!

- Sungwoo's papaer entitled, "Plasmonic Nanoantenna: Enhanced Near-Field Collection with Branched Gold Dual-rim Nanorings", submitted

- Soohyun's paper entitled, "Combinatorial Effect of Tricomponent Dual-Rim Nanoring Building Blocks: Label-Free SERS Detection of Biomolecules", has been just accepted in Nano Letters, 2024. Congratulations!

- Myeong Jin's paper entitled, "Octahedron-in-a-Cubic Nanoframes: Strong Near-Field Focusing and Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering", has been just accepted in ACS nano, 2024. Congratulations!

- Woocheol's paper entitled, "Step-by-Step Nanoscale Top-Down Blocking and Etching Lead to Nanohexapods with Cartesian Geometry", has been just accepted in ACS nano, 2024. Congratulations!

- Qiang's paper entitled, "Three-Dimensional Au Octahedral Nanoheptamers: Single-Particle and Bulk Near-Field Focusing for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering ", has been just accepted in Nano letters, 2024. Congratulations!

- Sungwoo's paper entitled, "Plasmonic Annular Nanotrenches with 1-nm Nanogaps for Detection of SARS-CoV-2 using SERS-based Immunoassay", submitted

- Insub's paper entitled, "Wet-Chemical Synthesis of Two-Dimensional Complex Nanorings for Near-Field Focusing", has been just accepted in Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, 2024.

- Seonmin and Seohyun joined as a new group member! Welcome!!

- Happy New Year~★

- YuJin and Yunju joined as a new group member! Welcome!!

- We went to Vivaldi Park! With the support of out professor, we ate meat~♥

- Sunwoo and MyeongJin have applied for a patent.

- Sunwoo's paper entitled, "Au Octahedral Nanosponges: 3D Plasmonic Nanolenses for Near-Field Focusing", has been just accepted in JACS, 2023.

- Insub's paper entitled, "Wet-Chemical Synthesis of Two-Dimensional Complex Nanorings for Near-Field Focusing", submitted

- Sungwoo got a driver's license. Congratulations!

- We climbed the Namhansanseong Fortress. With the support of out professor, we ate spicy chicken soup and boiled chicken~♥

- Happy birthday Sungwoo, Sunwoo and Jeongwon in October~★

- Soohyun won a 2023 SKKU Graduate Student Research Paper Award. Congratulations!

- Myeong Jin's paper entitled, "Octahedron-in-a-Cubic Nanoframes: Strong Near-Field Focusing and Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering", submitted

- Qiang's paper entitled, "Three-Dimensional Au Octahedral Nanoheptamers: Single-Particle and Bulk Near-Field Focusing for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering", submitted

- Navid's paper entitled, "Ready-to-Use Free-Standing Super Powder Made with Complex Nanoparticles for SERS", submitted

- Sungjae got accepted into KIST. Congratulations!

- Woocheol won a prize at the ACS conferences. Congratulations!

- We'll be in San Francisco and Las Vegas from August 11-21 for the ACS conference~♬

- With the support of our professor, we all ate beef~♥

- Sunwoo's paper entitled, "Au Octahedral Nanosponges: 3D Plasmonic Nanolenses for Near-Field Focusing", submitted

- Hajir and Navid's paper entitled, "Plasmonic Dodecahedral-Walled Elongated Nanoframes for Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy", has been just accepted in Small, 2023.

- Happy birthday Qiang, Soohyun, Hajir, and Myeongjin in July~★

- Navid and Insub's paper entitled, "Plasmonic Double-Walled Nanoframes with Face-to-Face Nanogaps for Strong SERS Activity", has been just accepted in Nano Letters, 2023.

- Jeongwon and Insub's paper entitled, "Shape Evolution of Two-dimensional Au Hexagonal Nanoplates into Pseudo Three-dimensional Oblate Spheroids", has been just accepted in Chemistry Materials, 2023.

- Jiwon joined as a new group member! Welcome!!

- Hyunji joined as a new group member! Welcome!!

- Inyoung joined as a new group member! Welcome!!

- Hajir and Navid's paper entitled "Plasmonic Dodecahedral-Walled Elongated Nanoframes for Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy", submitted

- Woocheol's paper entitled "Step-by-Step Nanoscale Top-Down Blocking and Etching Lead to Nanohexapods with Cartesian Geometry", submitted

- Soohyun's paper entitled "Dual-Rim Nanoring Building Blocks for Label-Free SERS Detection of Amino Acids and Proteins", submitted

- Navid and Insub's paper entitled "Plasmonic Double-Walled Nanoframes with Face-to-Face Nanogaps for Strong SERS Activity", submitted

- Jeognwon Kim and Insub Jung's paper entitled "Shape Evolution of Two-dimensional Au Hexagonal Nanoplates into Pseudo Three-dimensional Oblate Spheroids", submitted

- Insub's paper entitled, "Multiple Stepwise Synthetic Pathways toward Complex Plasmonic 2D and 3D Nanoframes for Generation of Electromagnetic Hot Zones in a Single Entity", has been just accepted in Accounts of Chemical Research, 2023.

- Soohyun and Jaewon's paper entitled, "Multi-Layered PtAu Nanoframes and their Light-Enhanced Electrocatalytic Activity via Plasmonic Hot Spots", has been just accepted in Small, 2023.

- Hwayoung joined as a new research assistant member! Welcome!!

- Sunwoo joined as a new group member! Welcome!!

- Sungwoo and Insub's paper entitled, "Bimetallic Alloy Ag@Au Nanorings with Hollow Dual-Rims focus Near-Field on Circular Intra-Nanogaps", has been just accepted in Nanoscale Horizons, 2022.

- Navid and Woocheol's paper entitled, "Synthesis of Pt Double-Walled Nanoframes with Well-Defined and Controllable Facets", has been just accepted in ACS Nano, 2022.

- Jeongwon's paper entitled, "Plasmonic Cyclic Au Nanosphere Hexamers", has been just accepted in Small, 2022.

- Soohyun's paper entitled, "Multi-Layered PtAu Nanoframes and their Light-Enhanced Electrocatalytic Activity via Plasmonic Hot Spots", has been submitted, 2022.

- Insub's paper entitled, "Multiple Stepwise Synthetic Pathways toward Complex Plasmonic 2D and 3D Nanoframes for Generation of Electromagnetic Hot Zones in a Single Entity", has been submitted, 2022.

- Jeongwon's paper entitled, "Shape Transformation Mechanism of Gold Nanoplates", has been submitted, 2022.

- Jeongwon's paper entitled, "Plasmonic Cyclic Au Nanosphere Hexamers", has been submitted, 2022.

- Sungwoo's paper entitled, "Bimetallic Alloy Ag@Au Nanorings with Hollow Dual-Rims focus Near-Field on Circular Intra-Nanogaps for Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering-based Immunoassay", has been submitted, 2022.

- Navid and Woocheol's paper entitled, "Synthesis of Pt Double-Walled Nanoframes with Well-Defined and Controllable Facets", has been submitted, 2022.

- Hajir's paper entitled, "Three-dimensional Nanoframes with Dual Rims as Nanoprobes for Biosensing", has been just accepted in Nature Communications, 2022.

- Sungwoo's paper entitled, "Elongated Nanoporous Au Networks Improve Somatic Cell Direct Conversion into Induced Dopaminergic Neurons for Parkinson's Disease Therapy", has been just accepted in Acta Biomaterialia, 2022.

- Sungjae and Jaewon's paper entitled, "Nesting of multiple polyhedral plasmonic nanoframes into a single entity", has been just accepted in Nature Communications, 2022.

- Qiang and Hajir's paper entitled, "All-Hot-Spot Bulk Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) Substrates: Attomolar Detection of Adsorbates with Designer Plasmonic Nanoparticles", has been just accepted in Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2022.

- Soohyun's paper entitled, "Heterogeneous Component Au (outer)-Pt (middle)-Au (inner) Nanorings: Synthesis and Vibrational Characterization on Middle Pt Nanorings with Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering", has been just accepted in ACS Nano, 2022.

- Jeongwon won a Dongwoo Fine-Chem Co., Ltd. Poster award in KCS, 2022! Congratulations!!

- Jeongwon's paper entitled, "Plasmonic All-Frame-Faceted Octahedral Nanoframes with Eight Engraved Y-Shaped Hot Zones", has been just accepted in ACS Nano, 2022.

- Jaewon won a Kyungdong Pharmaceutical's Songcheon Scholarship, 2022! Congratulations!!

- Insub won a Sejong Science Fellowship, 2022! Congratulations!!

- Jeongwon's paper entitled, "Plasmonic All-Frame-Faceted Octahedral Nanoframes with Eight Engraved Y-Shaped Hot Zones", has been submitted, 2022.

- Sungwoo was nominated as an outstanding graduate student in the chemistry department, 2021! Congratulations!!

- Sungwoo's paper entitled, "Plasmonic-Magnetic Active Nanorheology for Intracellular Viscosity", has been submitted, 2022.

- Jieun's paper entitled, "Enormous Enhancement in Single-Particle Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering with Size-Controllable Au Double Nanorings", has been just accepted in Chemistry of Materials, 2022.

- Sungeun's paper entitled, "Ring-in-a-Triangle Nanoframes : Integrating with Intra- and Inter- hotspots for Highly Amplified Near-Field Focusing", has been just accepted in Nano Letters, 2022.

- Sungjae's paper entitled, "N-th Nanoframes", has been submitted, 2021.

- Sungeun's paper entitled, "Ring-in-a-Triangle Nanoframes : Integrating with Intra- and Inter- hotspots for Highly Amplified Near Field Focusing", has been submitted, 2021.

- Soohyun's paper entitled, "Nanorings with Intertwined Triple-rings : Au (outer)-Pt (or Au) (middle)-Au (inner) Nanorings", has been submitted, 2021.

- Junghwa's paper entitled, "Synthesis of Morphology Controlled PtAu@Ag Nanorings through Concentric and Eccentric Growth Pathways", has been just accepted in Chemical Communications, 2021.

- Sungjae won a POSCO Science Fellowship, 2022! Congratulations!!

- Myeongjin joined as a new research assistant member! Welcome!!

- Sungjae's paper entitled, "Au Nanorings with Intertwined Triple-rings (ANITs)", has been just accepted in Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2021.

- Junghwa's paper entitled, "Synthesis of Morphology Controlled Ag Nanorings: Concentric and Eccentric Growth Pathways Lead to Different Unique Surface Plasmonic Profiles", has been submitted, 2021.

- Sungjae's paper entitled, "Au Nanorings with Intertwined Triple-rings (ANITs)", has been submitted, 2021.

- Soohyun's paper entitled, "Web-above-a-Ring (WAR) and Web-above-a-Lens (WAL): Nanostructures for Highly Engineered Plasmonic-Field Tuning and SERS Enhancement", has been just accepted in Small, 2021.

- Hyeonji joined as a new research assistant member! Welcome!!

- Sungwoo's paper entitled, "Elongated Nanoporous Au Networks Mediate Somatic Cell Direct Conversion into Induced Dopaminergic Neurons for Parkinson's Disease Therapy", has been submitted, 2021.

- Jieun's paper entitled, "Gold Nanohalos for Near-Field Focusing: Enormous Enhancement for Single-particle SERS", has been submitted, 2021.

- Sungwoo's paper entitled, "Au Nanolenses for Near-Field Focusing", has been just accepted in Chemical Science, 2021.

- Qiang joined as a new group member! Welcome!!

- Woochul joined as a new research assistant member! Welcome!!

- Jaewon joined as a new group member! Welcome!!

- Sungwoo's paper entitled, "Au Nanolenses for Near-field Focusing", has been submitted, 2020.

- Professor's paper entitled, "A Simulation Study for Field Enhancement due to Multiresonant Localized Surface Plasmon Excitation in the truncated Octahedral Gold Nanoparticle Array", has been just accepted in Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 2020.

- Jaewon joined as a new research assistant member! Welcome!!

- Soohyun's paper entitled, "Synthesis of the Web-above-a-Ring (WAR) and their Single-Particle Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering", has been submitted, 2020.

- Navid's paper entitled, "Synthesis and Surface Plasmonic Characterization of Asymmetric Au Split Nanorings", has been just accepted in Nano Letters, 2020.

- Sungjae's paper entitled, "Three-dimensional Gold Nanosphere Hexamers Linked with Metal Bridges: Near-Field Focusing for Single Particle Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering", has been just accepted in Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2020.

- Minsun joined as a new group member! Welcome!!

- Hajir and Sungwoo's paper entitled, "Scattering Fourier Transform Biosensor (SFTB): Binary Mixture Consisting of Magnetic Ni Nanorings and Plasmonic Au Nanorods", has been just accepted in Analytical Chemistry, 2020.

- Sungjae's paper entitled, "Three-dimensional Gold Nanosphere Hexamers Linked with Metal Bridges: Near-Field Focusing for Single Particle Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering", has been submitted, 2020.

- Navid's paper entitled, "Synthesis and Surface Plasmonic Characterization of Asymmetric Au Split Nanorings", has been submitted, 2020.

- Sungjae's paper entitled, "Silver Double Nanorings with Circular Hot Zone", has been just accepted in Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2020.

- Jeongwon's paper entitled, "Synthesis and Single-Particle Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Study of Plasmonic Tripod Nanoframes with Y-shaped Hot-Zone", has been just accepted in Nano Letters, 2020.

- Sungjae's paper entitled, "Silver Double Nanorings with Hot Halos", has been submitted, 2020.

- Liqiu's paper entitled, "Synthesis of Monolayer Gold Nanorings Sandwich Film and Its Higher Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Intensity", has been just accepted in Nanomaterials, 2020.

- Jeongwon's paper entitled, "Synthesis and Single-Particle Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Study of Plasmonic Tripod Nanoframes with Y-shaped Hot-Zone", has been submitted, 2020.

- Sungeun joined as a new group member! Welcome!!

- Dajeong's paper entitled, "Quantitative Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Analysis through 3D Superlattice Arrays of Au Nanoframes with Attomolar Sensitivity", has been just accepted in Analytical Chemistry, 2019.

- Sungjae's paper entitled, "Two-Dimensional Nanoframes with Dual Rims", has been just accepted in Nature Communications, 2019.

- Dajeong's paper entitled, "Quantitative Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Analysis through 3D Superlattice Arrays of Au Nanoframes with Attomolar Sensitivity", has been submitted, 2019.

- Sanghyun's paper entitled, "Synthesis of Edge-Rich Vertical Multilayer Graphene Nanotubes Array towards High-Performance Supercapacitors", has been just accepted in Nanotechnology, 2019.

- Sungjae's paper entitled, "Two-Dimensional Nanoframes with Dual Rims", has been submitted, 2019.

- Soohyun joined as a new group member! Welcome!!

- Insub's paper entitled, "Tricomponent Multiblock Nanorods for Fourier Transform Surface Plasmon Resonance and Its Chemical Sensing", has been just accepted in Analytical Chemistry, 2019.

- Navid and Eunbyeol joined as a new group member! Welcome!!

- Insub's paper entitled, "Tricomponent Multiblock Nanorods for Fourier Transform Surface Plasmon Resonance and Its Chemical Sensing", has been submitted, 2019.

- Sungjae's paper entitled, "3D PtAu Nanoframe Superstructure as a High-Performance Carbon-Free Electrocatalyst", has been just accepted in Nanoscale, 2019.

- Jinhaeng, Juri and Hyein joined as a new research assistant member! Welcome!!

- Jieun and Jeonghwa joined as a new group member! Welcome!!

- Insub won a excellence award at the S-OIL Excellent Dissertation Award, 2018.

- Min and Insub's paper entitled, "Multi-Block Magnetic Nanorods for Controlled Drug Release Modulated by Fourier Transform Surface Plasmon Resonance", has been just accepted in Nanoscale, 2018.

- Liqiu's paper entitled, "Synthesis of octahedral gold tip-blobbed nanoparticles and their dielectric sensing properties", has been just accepted in Nanotechnology, 2018.

- Jeongwon joined as a new group member! Welcome!!

- Insub won a grand prize at the Korea Dow Chemical Best Paper Award, 2018.

- Insub and Minkyung's paper entitled, "Surface Plasmon Resonance Extension through Two-Block Metal-Conducting Polymer Nanorods", has been just accepted in Nature Communications, 2018.

- Insub won a bronze prize at the 24th Samsung Humantech Paper Award, 2018.

- Insub and SeongKeun's paper entitled, "Fourier Transform Surface Plasmon Resonance of Nanodisks Embedded in Magnetic Nanorods", has been just accepted in the Nanoletters, 2018.

- Sanghyun's paper entitled, "Bimetallic Junction Mediated Synthesis of Multilayer Graphene Edges towards Ultrahigh Capacity for Lithium Ion Battery", has been just accepted in the Nanoscale, 2018.

- Sangbaek and Sungwoo joined as a new group member! Welcome!!

- Insub's paper entitled, "Fourier Transform Surface Plasmon Resonance (FTSPR) with Gyromagnetic Plasmonic Nanorods", has been just accepted in the Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2017.

- Insub and Seongkeun's paper entitled, "Fourier Transform Surface Plasmon Resonance of Nanodisks Enbedded in Magnetic Nanorods, submitted, 2017.

- Sangjoon and Dajeong joined as a new group member! Welcome!!

- Sanghyun's paper entitled, "Synthesis of Embossing Si Nanomesh and its Application as an Anode for Lithium Ion Batteries", has been just accepted in the Journal of Power Sources, 2017.

- Liqiu's paper entitled, "Electrodeposition of Rhodium Nanowires Arrays and Their Morphology-Dependent Hydrogen Evolution Activity", has been just accepted in Nanomaterials, 2017.

- Hee-Jeong's paper entitled, "Asymmetric Ag Nanocrescents with Pt Rims: Wet-Chemical Synthesis and Optical Characterization", has been just accepted in the Chemistry of Materials, 2017.

- Sanghyun's paper entitled, "Bimetallic Junction Mediated Synthesis of Multilayer Graphene Edges towards Ultrahigh Capacity for Lithium Ion Battery", submitted, 2017.

- Jungkyung's paper entitled, "Close-packed 3D Plasmonic Superlattice of Truncated Octahedral Gold Nanoframes", has been just accepted in the Nanoscale, 2017.

- Hee-Jeong's paper entitled, "Asymmetric Ag Nanocrescents with Pt Rims: Wet-Chemical Synthesis and Optical Characterization", submitted, 2017.

- Sanghyun's paper entitled, "Bimetallic Junction Mediated Synthesis of Multilayer Graphene Edges towards Ultrahigh Capacity for Lithium Ion Battery", submitted, 2017.

- Jungkyung's paper entitled, "Close-packed 3D Plasmonic Superlattice of Truncated Octahedral Gold Nanoframes", submitted, 2017.

- Hajir joined as a new group member! Welcome!!

- Insub's paper entitled, "Fourier Transform Surface Plasmon Resonance (FTSPR) : Gyromagnetic Plasmonic Nanorods for Shear Force-Induced Biosensing", submitted, 2017.

- SeongKeun joined as a new group member! Welcome!!

- SungWoo joined as a new research assistant member! Welcome!!

- Liqiu and Sangmin's paper entitled, "Interfacial Double Layer Mediated Electrochemical Growth of Thin-walled Platinum Nanotubes", has been just accepted in the Nanotechnology, 2016.

- Liqiu and Sangmin's paper entitled, "Interfacial Double Layer Mediated Electrochemical Growth of Thin-walled Platinum Nanotubes", submitted, 2016.

- Sanghyun's paper entitled, "Synthesis of Embossing Si Nanomesh and its Application as an Anode for Lithium Ion Batteries", submitted, 2016.

- Sangmin and Daejin's paper entitled, "Nanospring Electrochemical Lithography (NEL): Noble and Metal Nanohelices", has been just accepted in the Chemical Communications, 2016.

- Minkyung's paper entitled, "Surface Plasmon Resonance Extension through Two-Block Metal-Conducting Polymer Nanorods", submitted, 2016.

- Heewon joined as a new research assistant member! Welcome!!

- Sangji's paper entitled, "Component Conversion from Pure Au Nanorods to Multiblock Ag-Au-Ag Nanorods Assisted by Pt Nanoframe Templates", has been just accepted in the Nanoscale, 2016.

- Sangji's paper entitled, "Component Conversion from Pure Au Nanorods to Multiblock Ag-Au-Ag Nanorods Assisted by Pt Nanoframe Templates", submitted, 2016.

- Sangji's paper entitled, "Synthesis and Optical Property Characterization of Elongated AuPt and Pt@Au Metal Nanoframes" has been just accepted in the Nanoscale, 2016.

- Sungjae and Jihye joined as a new group member! Welcome!!

- Daejin's paper entitled, "Nanospring Electrochemical Lithography (NEL): Au and Pt Nanohelices", submitted, 2015.

- Sangji's paper entitled, "Synthesis and Optical Property Characterization of Elongated Pt and Pt@Au Metal Nanoframes", submitted, 2015.

- Insub's paper entitled, "Magnetic Modulation of Surface Plasmon Resonance by Tailoring Magnetically Responsive Metallic Block in Multisegment Nanorods" has been just accepted in the Chemistry of Materials, 2015.

- Anton's paper entitled, "Controlling Optical Properties of Metallic Multi-shell Nanoparticles through Suppressed Surface Plasmon Resonance" has been accepted in the Journal of Colloid & Interface Science, 2015.

- Sangmin's paper entitled, "Vertically Aligned Double-Walled Platinum Nanotubes Decorated with Inner Fibrils for Their Enhanced Electrocatalytic Properties", has been accepted in the Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2015.

- Jusung joined as a new research assistant member! Welcome!!

- Songyi's paper entitled, "Octahedral and Cubic Au Nanoframes with Pt Framework", has just been accepted in the Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2015.

- Hee-jeong, Yookyung and Sangji participated in Erasmus program at Balyor university in Texas.

- Ho Young's paper entitled, "Electromagnetic Field Enhancement in Multilayer of Metallic Nanomesh Films: Synthesis and Application as SERS Substrates", has been accepted in the Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2015.

- Tae-Heon and Anton's paper entitled, "The Preparation of Two-Dimensional Au Nanoparticle Arrays with Controllable Gap Distance: Inter-particle Coupling Effect on Surface Plasmon Resonance and SERS", has been published in festschrift for professor Kwan Kim in Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, 2015.

- Songyi's paper entitled, "Three-Dimensional Au Nanoframes: Synthesis and Surface Plasmon Resonance Characterization of Octahedral and Cubic Au Nanoframes ", submitted, 2015.

- Ho Young's paper entitled, "Electromagnetic Field Enhancement in Multilayer of Metallic Nanomesh Films: Synthesis and Application as SERS Substrates", submitted, 2015.

- Zhang Liqiu joined as a new group member! Welcome!!

- Anton's paper entitled, "Controlling Optical Properties of Metallic Multi-shell Nanoparticles through Suppressed Surface Plasmon Resonance", submitted, 2015.

- Insub's paper entitled, "Magnetic Modulation of Surface Plasmon Resonance", submitted, 2015.

- Sukang and Soonchang's paper entitled, "Close-Packed 2-Dimensional Ag Nanoparticle Arrays: Quadrupolar and Dipolar Surface Plasmon Resonance Coupling", has been accepted in Chemistry - A European Journal, 2015.

- Jungkyung, Sunhwa and Minkyung joined as a new group members! Welcome!!

- Sangmin's paper entitled, "Synthesis of Vertically Aligned Double-Walled Platinum Nanotubes with Enhanced Electrocatalytic Properties", submitted, 2014.

- Hee-Jeong's paper entitled, "Fabrication of 2D Au nanorings with Pt framework", has been accepted in Journal of American Chemical Society, 2014.

- Ho Young's paper entitled, "Fabrication of Shape - Controlled Reduced Graphene Oxide Nanorings by Au@Pt Nanoring Lithography", has been accepted in Nanoscale, 2014.

- Tae-Heon and Anton's paper entitled, "The Preparation of 2-Dimensional Au Nanoparticle Arrays with Controllable Gap Distance: Inter-particle Coupling Effect on Surface Plasmon Resonance and SERS", has been accepted in Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, 2014.

- Hee-Jeong's paper entitled, "Fabrication of 2D Au nanorings with Pt framework", submitted, 2014.

- Taehyun joined as a new research assistant member! Welcome!!

- Sangji joined as a new group member! Welcome!!

- Jung Hyuk Moon graduated for M.S course, congratulations!

- Soonchang, Hoyoung, Sanghyun and Hee-Jeong attended a conference which was hosted by the American Chemical Society, 2014.

- Sangmin applied for a patent entitled "Synthesis of Platinum Double-Walled Nanotubes without Carbon Support and Development of Methanol Fuel Cell Catalyst", June 9, 2014.

- Sukang and Soonchang's paper entitled, "Close-Packed 2-Dimensional Ag Nanoparticle Arrays: Quadrupolar and Dipolar Surface Plasmon Resonance Coupling", submitted, 2014.

- Soonchang's paper entitled, "Au Nanodisk-Core Multi-Shell Nanoparticles: Synthetic Method for Controlling Number of Shells and Intershell Distance", has been accepted in Chemistry of Materials, 2014.

- Hee-Jeong's paper entitled, "Fabrication of 2D Au nanorings with Pt framework", has been accepted in Journal of American Chemical Society, 2014.

- Ho Young's paper entitled, "Fabrication of Shape - Controlled Reduced Graphene Oxide Nanorings by Au@Pt Nanoring Lithography", has been accepted in Nanoscale, 2014.

- Tae-Heon and Anton's paper entitled, "The Preparation of 2-Dimensional Au Nanoparticle Arrays with Controllable Gap Distance: Inter-particle Coupling Effect on Surface Plasmon Resonance and SERS", has been accepted in Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, 2014.

- Hee-Jeong's paper entitled, "Fabrication of 2D Au nanorings with Pt framework", submitted, 2014.

- Sangji joined as a new group member! Welcome!!

- Jung Hyuk Moon graduated for M.S course, congratulations!

- Soonchang, Hoyoung, Sanghyun and Hee-Jeong attended a conference which was hosted by the American Chemical Society, 2014.

- Sangmin applied for a patent entitled "Synthesis of Platinum Double-Walled Nanotubes without Carbon Support and Development of Methanol Fuel Cell Catalyst", June 9, 2014.

- Sukang and Soonchang's paper entitled, "Close-Packed 2-Dimensional Ag Nanoparticle Arrays: Quadrupolar and Dipolar Surface Plasmon Resonance Coupling", submitted, 2014.

- Soonchang's paper entitled, "Au Nanodisk-Core Multi-Shell Nanoparticles: Synthetic Method for Controlling Number of Shells and Intershell Distance", has been accepted in Chemistry of Materials, 2014.

- Hee Jeong's paper entitled, "Site-Specific Growth of Pt shell on Au nanoplates: tailoring their surface plasmonic behavior", has been accepted in Nanoscale, 2014.

- Lichun's review paper entitled, "Helical Metallic Micro- and Nano-structures: Fabrication and Application", has been accepted in Nanoscale, 2014.

- Jihye and Hoyoung's paper entitled, "Facile Synthesis of Pt Nanoparticle and Graphene Composite Materials: Comparison of Electrocatalytic Activity with Analogous CNT Composite ", has been accepted in Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, 2014.

- Hoyoung and Sangmin received a award for their outstanding research achievement from the Department of Energy Science, SKKU. Congratulation!!

- Insub's paper entitled, "Fabrication of Graphene Nanomesh using Platinum Nano-Network as a Pattern Mask", has been accepted in Nanoscale, 2014.

- Soonchang's paper entitled, "Kinetically Controlled Growth of Gold Nanoplates and Nanorods via a One-Step Seed-Mediated Method", has been accepted in Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, 2014.

- Heekyung, Daejin, Naae, and Yookyung joined as a new group member! Welcome!!

- Insub's paper entitled, "Fabrication of Graphene Nanomesh using Platinum Nano-Network as a Pattern Mask", submitted, 2013.

- Soonchang's paper entitled, "Au Nanodisk-Core Multi-Shell Nanoparticles: Synthetic Method for Controlling Number of Shells and Intershell Distance", submitted, 2013.

- Professor Sung Ho Park was awarded "Outstanding Researcher" by the committee of Materials Chemistry in the Korean Chemical Society!!

- Sangmin's paper entitled, "Synthesis of Bimetallic Pt/Pd Nanotubes and their Enhanced Catalytic Activity in Methanol Electro-oxidation" has been accepted in Journal of Materials chemistry A, 2013. The editor has selected this article as the Cover Art of the 28 December 2013 issue of Journal of Materials chemistry A.

- Our university has been selected for BK 21 Plus Project of the Ministry of Education!!

- Hee Jeong's paper entitled, "Controllable Growth of a Pt Shell on Au Nanoplates: Tailoring Their Surface Plasmonic Behavior for Application as a Dielectric Sensor", submitted, 2013.

- Ho-young's paper entitled, "Fabrication of Metallic Nano-mesh: Pt Nano-Mesh as a Proof of Concept for Stretchable & Transparent Electrodes" has been accepted in Chemistry of Materials, 2013.

- Sangmin's paper entitled, "Synthesis of Bimetallic Pt/Pd Nanotubes and their Enhanced Catalytic Activity in Methanol Electro-oxidation", submitted, 2013.

- Akshay joined as a new group member through the first-year internship program ! Welcome!!

- SangHoon's paper entitled,"Single Inorganic-Organic Hybrid Photovoltaic Nanorod" has been accepted in Applied Physics Letters, 2013. The editor has selected this article as the Cover Art of the 30 September 2013 issue of Applied Physics Letters.

- Insub's paper entitled,"Direct Growth of Graphene Nanomesh using a Au Nano-Network as a Metal Catalyst via Chemical Vapor Deposition" has been accepted in Applied Physics Letters, 2013.

- Jihye's paper entitled,"Facile Synthesis of Pt Nanoparticle and Graphene Composite Materials: Comparison of Electrocatalytic Activity with Analogous CNT Composite", submitted, 2013.

- Insub's paper entitled,"Direct Growth of Graphene Nanomesh using a Au Nano-Network as a Metal Catalyst via Chemical Vapor Deposition", submitted, 2013.

- SangHoon's paper entitled, "An Inorganic-Organic Hybrid Photovoltaic Nanorod", submitted, 2013.

- Ho-young's paper entitled, "Fabrication of Metallic Nano-mesh: Pt Nano-Mesh as a Proof of Concept for Stretchable & Transparent Electrodes", submitted, 2013.

- Jesus joined as a new group member! Welcome!!

- Yoonjung's paper entitled, "Optical Sensitivity Comparision of Multiblock Gold-Silver Nanorods Toward Biomolecule Detection: Quadrupole Surface Plasmonic Detection of Dopamine" has been accepted in Chemistry of Materials, 2013.

- Sanghyun's paper entitled, "Template-Assisted Electrochemical Growth of Ruthenium Oxide Nanotubes" has been accepted in the Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, 2013.

- Soonchang's paper entitled, "Observation of Quadrupole Surface Plasmon Mode for Au Nanorods: Effects of Surface Roughness and Crystal Facets" has been accepted in Chemistry - An Asian Journal, 2013.

- Sujin's paper entitled, "Surface Plasmon Coupling on Linked Au-Pt Nanorods" has been accepted in the Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2013.

- Yoonjung's paper entitled, "Optical Sensitivity Comparison of Multiblock Gold-Silver Nanorods Toward Biomolecule Detection: Quadrupole Surface Plasmonic Detection of Dopamine",submitted, 2012.

- Sujin's paper entitled, "Surface Plasmon Coupling on Linked Au-Pt Nanorods",submitted, 2012.

- Soonchang's paper entitled, "Observation of Quadrupole Surface Plasmon Mode for Au Nanorods: Effects of Surface Roughness and Crystal Facets",submitted, 2012.

- Jung Ah's paper entitled, "Influence of Iodide Ions on Morphology of Silver Growth on Gold Hexagonal Nanoplates" has been accepted in the Journal of Colloid & Interface Science, 2012.

- Dr. Lichun Liu got a faculty position offer from Jiaxing University in China. Congratulations~ Future professor!!

- Sang Hoon and Lichun's paper entitled, "Platinum-Coated Porous Gold Nanorods in Methanol Electrooxidation: Dependence of Catalytic Activity on Ligament Size" has been accepted in Chemistry - An Asian Journal, 2012.

- Professor Sungho Park was awarded "2012 SKKU Teaching Award" by the University President!!

- Sang Ah's paper entitled, "Tri-Component Gold-Nickel-Silver Nanorods Leading to Multiple Surface Plasmon Bands" has been accepted in the Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2012.

- Doo ri's paper entitled, "Synthesis of Hollow and Nanoporous Au/Pt Alloy Nanoparticles and their Electrocatalytic Activity for Formic acid Oxidation" has been accepted in the Journal of Colloid & Interface Science, 2012.

- Hee Jeong's paper entitled, "Shape-controlled Synthesis of Pt Nanoframes" has been accepted in the Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2012

- Jung Hyuk Moon joined as a new group member, congratulations! (July, 2012)

- Sang Hoon's paper entitled, "Comparison of the Catalytic Activity of Platinum-Coated Porous Gold Nanorods in Methanol Electrooxidation: Dependence of Catalytic Activity on Ligament Size",submitted, 2012.

- Sang-Hoon Yoo joined Cornell University as a post-doc, congratulations! (May, 2012)

- Lichun Liu graduated for Ph.D course, congratulations! (February, 2012)