Legal Documents For Website


This page is a Privacy Policy, Cookie Statement, Online Harms Statement, Child Safe Statement, Copyright Statement and Terms & Conditions.

They cover this website.

Last updated: 2019 November 12

What Is This Website?

This website's purpose is for public legal documents supporting our Android apps available on Google Play.

What We Mean

Any reference to 'we', 'us' or 'our' is limited only to SpaceRocket and does not include 3rd Parties. The term 'stuff' refers to our apps, website, business identity, constituent parts of the stuff, email content and content uploaded to Google. Any reference to 'there' is limited only to anything SpaceRocket has put in the stuff. Any reference to 'legal documents' includes but not limited to: Privacy Policy, Cookie Statement, Online Harms Statement, Child Safe Statement, App Permission Statement, Copyright Statement and Terms & Conditions.

Using our stuff or contacting us means you agree to our legal documents.

3rd Parties

Our only 3rd party is Google who provides our website hosting and template - see paragraphs below for details. We recommend you read Google's legal documents.

Our Data Collection

We do not use any cookies. We do not track you. We have not enabled analytics. We have not enabled adverts. We do not use tracking links. We do not ask users to enter personal information on this website. We do not collect personal information in this website. We do not store personal information on this website. We do not share any information with 3rd parties.

Data Collection In Hosting and Template Provided By Google

We are hosted on 'Google Sites' along with many others located on the '' domain. We do not have full control over the website as one might get on conventional hosting - Google instead controls it. Google provides a limited set of templates to choose but does not allow full control over changing it. When you first visited this website a warning message should have appeared detailing Google's privacy policy as a data collector and processor. We do not control this warning message. Without our control they may collect and store information.

We believe Google adheres to international law with regard to your data. Google does not provide us with personal identifying information. We do not store any data Google provides outside of dashboards provided by Google. We do not share any of the information Google provides with 3rd parties. Please refer to Google on what data they collect. We recommend you read Google's legal documents.

How Do I Opt Out Of Data Collection?

There is nothing SpaceRocket has control over to opt out of.

We Are Politically Neutral

There are no political messages. There are no political debates. There is no mention of public figures. There are no hidden messages and any meaning you see is purely coincidental. The colours used do not mean anything. There is no fake news. There is no news. There is no racism. There is no cultural discrimination. There is no religious discrimination. There is no gender discrimination. There is no sexual discrimination. There is no incitement of violence. There is no harassment. There is no cyberstalking. There is no cyber bullying. There is no hate crime. There is no hate speech. There is no cruelty. There is no encouragement of self-harm. There is no encouragement of suicide.

SpaceRocket is neutral. Do not assume that our no comment policy means we are taking any specific position in an issue. We would just rather be known only for having great apps.

No Dangerous Content

There is no harmful content. There is no harmful behaviour. There is no illegal content. There is no terrorist content. There is no pornography. There is no selling of illegal goods. There is no selling of illegal services. There is no selling of drugs. There is no selling of alcohol. There is no gambling. There is no scams. There is no guns. There is no gore. There is no bad language.

No Harmful User Content

There is no features where users can interact with each other online. There is no chat. There is no user generated content. There is no content where we would require counter measures for harmful user content.

Child Safe Content

The content in this website is safe for children. This website serves as a place for legal documents hence it will not appeal to children. We have no way to determine if a user is a child or adult. Therefore we have made all content safe for a child to view.

Copyright Scope

Copyright law is legally binding. It doesn't require your consent and/or acceptance to be legal. Failure to abide by copyright laws is a criminal offence. This legal document summarises parts of copyright law and what SpaceRocket consents to. Copyright covers our stuff. Our copyrighted stuff includes but are not limited to: our website, our apps, our business identity, what we place on other websites and their constituent parts. Constituent parts include but not limited to graphics, logos, information, text, data, databases, files, software, interfaces, web pages, styles, approaches, product names, company names, trademarks and trade names.

You Require Our Consent To Use Our Copyrighted Stuff

Our stuff are the copyright of SpaceRocket and require SpaceRocket's explicit consent for any and all uses. We do not have an open licence for use. No stuff or their constitute parts are within the public domain. No images are within the public domain. We do not authorise use in image searches. We do not allow use in derivative works. The use of any image as the basis for another photographic concept or illustration is a violation of copyright. No license under any patents, copyright, trademark, proprietary or other intellectual property right is granted or implied by granting access to our stuff. We grant you limited right of access. We grant you access to render the website in your internet browser as is without modification or disassembly in accordance with our legal documents and international copyright laws. We grant you access to download our apps from Google Play and run them on the same device as is without modification, disassembly or redistribution in accordance with our legal documents and international copyright laws. You may not create a link to our stuff without our consent. It is not permitted for the stuff or constituent parts to be reproduced, stored, copied, presented, rendered, distributed, assessed, disassembled, projected, manipulated, used or altered in any way, alone or in combination with any other material. SpaceRocket's stuff are protected under patent, copyright, trademark, proprietary or other intellectual property laws and other applicable jurisdictions and any unauthorized use may violate such laws or our legal documents. You may not sell, rent, lease, redistribute, broadcast, transmit, communicate, modify, sublicense, transfer, assign stuff or your rights to stuff to any third party without our authorization. Unauthorised use of the stuff may give rise to a claim for damages and/or be a criminal offence. You may not attempt to, nor assist, authorise or encourage others to circumvent, disable or defeat any of the security features or components, such as digital rights management software or encryption, that protect, obfuscate or otherwise restrict access to any stuff. If you violate any security feature, you may incur civil or criminal liability.

Copyright Provided By Third Parties

SpaceRocket have consent for use of 3rd party copyright. For any third party where we have used their copyrighted material - we have read their legal documents for use and believe we are using them legally. We legally use various material copyrighted to Google. We recommend you read Google's legal documents.

Outside Our Control

We are not responsible for things outside of our control. Being outside our control does not mean we lose copyright ownership of the stuff. SpaceRocket's control here is limited to the content we enter in the 'Google Sites' editor.

We have no control over you being tracked or your personal information being collected by other means outside of our influence. Such as your device's battery history, browser's history, other apps snooping on your device, who runs your router, your email provider or your internet service provider.

We do not have control over the websites or apps we may link to. Therefore you should review their legal documents. Links do not constitute an endorsement.

We have no control over you being harmed by other means outside of our influence. Such as malware on your device, tainted back up apps, installing apps from outside of Google Play or compromised rooted system.

We have no control over what you do with the information we provide. Therefore we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability with respect to the stuff for any purpose. Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk. You acknowledge that such information and materials may contain inaccuracies or errors and exclude SpaceRocket from liability for any such inaccuracies or errors to the fullest extent permitted by law. In no event will we be liable for any loss or damage including without limitation, indirect or consequential loss or damage or any loss or damage whatsoever arising from loss of data, costs or profits arising out of or in connection with the use of our stuff. None of our stuff are intended for use in the operation of nuclear facilities, life support systems, emergency communications, aircraft navigation or communication systems, air traffic control systems or any other such activities in which case the failure of our stuff could lead to death, personal injury, cost, physical damage or environmental damage.

We have no control of where you use our stuff or what you are doing while using our stuff so we recommend you stay safe.

When we provide updates we have no control of your inability to update, viewing cached versions or for legal responsibility for older versions where we are unable to force an update.

We have no control over our stuff being altered once it's been uploaded therefore we are not responsible for alterations made without our consent.

Lawful Intent

We endeavour to abide by international laws and national laws. We are only a small company and might not be aware of all laws in all locations. We do change to cater to new laws as we become aware of them. SpaceRocket is located in the EU and so our stuff is subject to the laws of this location.

Legal Updates

SpaceRocket may change our legal documents in the future. You should check this website from time to time to ensure that you are happy with any changes.

Other Legal Documents

Please read our separate 'Legal Documents For Apps' page and our separate 'Legal Documents For Email' page found in the page footer. Using our stuff or contacting us means you agree to our legal documents.


You can contact us in the same way you can with any developer on Google Play - a developer's email is displayed publicly on their app's page on Google Play. Before you do you should review our 'Legal Documents For Email' page found in the page footer that includes a privacy policy.