Notable gameplay mechanics: It was a top down space shooter, with 360 movement, acceleration and break, like Sunless Sea, Asteroids, Solar Wind... Some ships could place "landmines" others had deflective shields. You could play against AI or another person on the same PC and keyboard.

Graphics/art style: Dark background, set in space. Not very pixelated, high framerate or just fast in general. Lots of animation, e.g. moving the ship up or down would bank it instead of it staying static. Graphics were stylized a bit, not too cartoony but not too realistic either.

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Kobo Deluxe is a 3rd person scrolling 2D shooter standard controls. You'll have to deal with lots of enemy ships that shooting at you, chasing you, circling you, and even launching other ships at you, while you try to destroy the maze-like bases.

Video games are great at transporting us to different worlds, but none capture that feeling quite so perfectly as intergalactic space games - and 2023 looks set to be one of the biggest years for space games yet, with the launch of Starfield, Homeworld 3 and more all on the horizon. But what games have gone before them and staked their claim already on the dusty planet surface known as 'Best Space Games'? We reveal all below, with our carefully curated list of all the best space games you can play on PC right now. Whether you're a budding space cruiser captain, a wannabe space conqueror or an intrepid space-faring explorer, there's a space game for you.

We've kept our definition of "space game" fairly traditional here. There are still plenty of hybrid games in our best space games list, from RPGs and space-themed strategy games, but almost all of them are about being in space, whether that's hurtling across the universe in a ship of some kind, or wafting around in zero gravity. Games about settling down on the surface of a new planet such as Surviving Mars and Astroneer, or those set in space-like locations such as Alien: Isolation aren't present in this list, as you never actually get to go to space while you're playing them.

Plus, while there are still plenty of classics here, we've mainly focused on games we'd recommend you play today, rather than a 'greatest space games of all time' affair. Disagree? Tell us about your favourite space game in the comments below, and maybe you'll convince others to give it a try.

What else should I be playing: The first Everspace was a roguelike, so if it's arcade space shooting you're after, going backwards isn't advised. Instead, try Chorus (the one whose logo looks like Chorvs), or Star Wars: Squadrons.

Everspace 2 is a classic arcade space shooter that feels like it's flown in through a wormhole from the early 00s. While the first game was more of a roguelike, Everspace 2 ditches that structure for a more traditional action RPG that sees you gradually upgrading your ship with bigger and better parts and weapons grabbed from ships you've just obliterated with some well-executed laser beams.

Battles are spectacular and frantic, but beneath the space fighting veneer, these ships are essentially behaving like your favourite RPG classes. Each has their own special and passive abilities, and if it weren't for the flying around in space aspect, you could almost swear you're actually playing something like Diablo. Just, you know, without the endless grind cycle. It's enormously entertaining, and its hand-crafted locations are some of the glossiest and most spectacular pockets of galaxy this side of No Man's Sky.

What else should I be playing: Mass Effect wouldn't exist without Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, which saw BioWare bid farewell to Dungeons & Dragons and head into space for the first time.

The Mass Effects are Captain Kirk simulators. You're not Sulu, blowing Klingons out of space, or Chekov, piloting a ship; you're the boss. And being the boss largely means telling people what to do - and snogging.

Having been lumped in with run-and-gun first-person shooters since the time of its release (CGW magazine called it "Doom on Benzedrine in a vacuum"), Descent's numerous innovations have often been serially overlooked. True, it didn't have many rock star developers working on it, there were no demons from hell rampaging through it's claustrophobic corridors and there was not one smear of blood to enrage or delight its audience. What it did have was speed, maze-like 3D levels and a range of movement in all directions that was at beautiful odds with the limited space in which to manoeuvre.

Disorientation was a constant companion - for some players so, too, was motion sickness - but in rescuing trapped colonists otherwise doomed to die and escaping each quaking level before it was engulfed in a nuclear fireball the game paid out in full. After more than 20 years, does Descent remain an essential game in the same way as Doom? Given that it would morph into Freespace and remain to some degree in Red Faction's DNA, yes, yes it is. More importantly, it's still enjoyable, more so in many ways than the game that inspired it.

What else should I be playing if I like this: There's nothing quite like Hardspace, but if you like the intricacy of a perfectly constructed spaceship, then Kerbal Space Program is pretty much Hardspace in reverse.

Hardspace: Shipbreaker is one of those working sims that utterly transports you into the mind and soul of one of its titular shipbreakers the moment you fire your very first laser cutter. You're a nameless employee of the Lynx Corporation with an enormous debt to pay, and you'll gradually chip away at this impossible sum of cash by stripping derelict spaceships for parts and materials. Not from the comfort of a nice space hanger, though. Oh no. You've got to do this in zero gravity, and carefully punt each individual component into their respective recycling bins, or face the wrath of your corporate overlords. It's a tough gig, but oh so fulfiling.

Played correctly, Hardspace: Shipbreaker is wonderfully mundane. And we mean that in the best possible sense. Yes, there's the occasional explosion when you accidentally slam a laser through volatile fuel pumps, and yes, you'll need to manage your fuel and oxygen levels as you go about your work. But there is a zen-like loop of cutting, grabbing and punting that lets you revel in your own sense of growing expertise, and stripping a ship clean in record time like some giant, indentured space vulture is intensely satisfying.

Contrary to popular belief, the X-Wing series wasn't a direct assault on Wing Commander. It was an attempt to transpose the systems and success of Totally Games' first series onto what would be its second. Indeed, you don't need to play much of either to see that there's more of Wing Commander in Battlehawks 1942 and Their Finest Hour than there is of X-Wing or TIE Fighter in Wing Commander. Just as Star Wars' space battles are inspired by WWII combat footage, the X-Wing series are informed almost entirely by Totally's WWII fight games. That they all featured a mission builder, combat recorder and historical missions only serves to underline that fact.

Rebel Galaxy Outlaw is that rare space sim that manages to capture the thrill and wonder of exploring a star system without wildly over-promising on what to expect. It may only be set in a single region of space with 40-odd star systems to peruse, but within those limited confines is a game packed with dogfights, bounty hunts, underhand deals and fraught delivery runs. Action is the name of the game here, and Double Damage Games makes you get you're able to get your hands dirty at every possible opportunity.

Thanks to Outlaw's clever targeting system and auto-pursuit system, dogfights are brilliant fun. You can turn off auto-pursuit if you prefer to go old-school with your space fights, but leaving it on makes every skirmish feel like a nail-biting battle of wits rather than chance pot-shots into the void. Rebel Galaxy Outlaw also manages that rare feat of giving us a character we actually care about, and a story that gives them a place and purpose in this vast region of the unknown. A lot of it covers familiar ground, but it makes a refreshing change from your No Man's Sky and Elite Dangerous types. Lovingly crafted and always stunningly pretty to look at, Rebel Galaxy Outlaw always has us coming back for more.

Your ship and crew define you more than in any space RPG, as you can refit and reorganise them as you see fit. Almost everything you do in Frontiers can affect the economy, status, and political relations of local characters, planets, and factions, whether you want to dig into its multi-threaded story jobs or not. And you'll inevitably end up doing more than you planned for when opportunity knocks. Your unarmed spy ship might make a great smuggler. Your ship-disabling pirates might create perfect opportunities to start taking on bounty hunter jobs. Or you might just stumble across some exotic goods, and find yourself waylaid in a chain of unexpected events on your way to find a black market to sell them at. Plus, you can hire a sniper who wears pink thigh high boots in space. What's not to love?

If you're happy to trade off realism for sheer spectacle when it comes to space battles, then Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2 (the definitive Warhammer 40,000 navy 'em up) is going to be your happy place. Despite all the cinematic 3D camera work, its battles play out on a resolutely 2D playing field. It's essentially a sea battle game with bombastic, giga-scale space stylings, and it pushes a lot of the same buttons as Total War games in terms of play feel - you build up fleets on a campaign layer, then position them on a tactical map and shove them into the enemy to start knocking lumps out of each other. e24fc04721

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