Opportunities and Challenges in Space Robotics


  1. Joel Burdick (Professor at Caltech and Research Scientist at JPL)
  2. Luca Carlone (Director of the SPARK Lab at MIT)
  3. Kalind Carpenter (Co-organizer and Robotic Engineer at JPL)
  4. Michele Focchi (Researcher at Dynamic Legged Systems Department, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia)
  5. Yang Gao (Associate Dean and Professor at Surrey Space Centre)
  6. Ken Kamrin (Professor at MIT)
  7. Frank Kirchner (Head of Robotics Innovation Center at DFKI GmbH and University of Bremen)
  8. Erik Komendera (Director, Field and Space Experimental Robotics Laboratory, Virginia Tech)
  9. Takashi Kubota (Professor at University of Tokyo and JAXA)
  10. Hamid Marvi (Co-organizer and Director of BIRTH Lab at ASU)
  11. Marcie O'Malley (Professor at Rice University)
  12. Matthew Spenko (Director of the Robotics Lab at Illinois Institute of Technology)
  13. Kazuya Yoshida (Co-chair of the IEEE RAS Space Robotics Technical Committee and Director of the Space Exploration Lab at Tohoku University)