
In Go, the Japanese term aji is used to refer to "possibilities left in a position", or "lingering potential". Among other things the term can also mean flavor or taste. It's this latter meaning that I'm going for here, as this page is simply meant to be be fun  go related stuff.

SU&SD Review (skips rules)

A tesuji is a clever or artful play. Here Cho Chikun solves the problem of having drank all of his tea.

A documentary about the program that beat professional Korean player Lee Sedol, arguably the strongest player in the world at the time (2016).

Go moves as Kai (battle cry)

Hikaru No Go (Anime, Manga, and now, live action).

Empty Triangle webcomic

Comic from Chiyo-dad's blog

Blunders happen even with professionals.
Black needed to make a very obvious exchange of moves on the bottom—so obvious that I believe he ended up playing elsewhere as though he had already done so before realizing his mistake.


Answering the "Do you come here often?" question at your local Go club meeting.

How clamshell Go stones are made by hand.

How Go & Shogi boards are made.

I'm so happy that you all seem to be having so much fun... but I'm here to play.